without cover

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈkʌvɚ][wiˈðaut ˈkʌvə]


  • The underwater concentrated blasting is widely used in rescue engineering the preference and self-making of simple concentrated energy charge without cover is introduced in this article .

    水下聚能爆破广泛应用于救捞工程当中,介绍了 聚能 简易聚能装药参数选取及自制方法。

  • Research has shown tissue works fine without a cover .

    研究发现 没有 盒子的纸巾更好

  • If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts or some other combination of the three merge those two alternatives to suit the situation .

    如果你有 封面文字的恒常章节,或一些其它这三者的组合,将可选择的二项合并以符合实际情形。

  • How much will it be without a cover ?


  • Two finite element models of a locomotive carbody with or without cover structure are established .

    建立某机车车体有 蒙皮结构的2种有限元实体模型;

  • Screw cap torque stepless adjustable with constant torque rotary sealing plastic lid function without injury cover tight and reliable seal .

    拧盖力矩无级可调,具有恒力矩旋封塑盖功能, ,封口严密可靠。

  • The Design of Tunnel without Cover of Wutai Mountain Travel Highway

    五台山旅游公路 明洞设计

  • Experimental results for four mini-solar ponds namely three with different covers and one without cover were provided and corresponding suggestions were given . The Soret effect and Dufour effect in the ponds were calculated .

    此外,本文还分析了四种不同 层太阳池的实验结果,计算了微型池内的Soret效应和 Dufour效应的影响,并提出了相应的建议。

  • A vegetation parameterization scheme was introduced into Yan Hong ′ s model to investigate the difference in the July climatic fields with and without vegetative cover that was separated into 10 categories across the country from the simulations at a range of soil moisture ( SM ) .

    在颜宏模式中加入植被参数化方案,并将全国 植被划分成10类,模拟了不同土壤湿度条件下7月高原有、 植被的气候场,发现两者差异较大。

  • Second according to working characteristic of thin-wall pipe pile using cast-in-situ concrete in ocean engineering and roadbed engineering we divide pile into two kinds of situations named pile with cover and pile without cover .

    根据筒桩在海洋工程和路基工程中的工作特点,将筒桩分为 和有盖两种情况。

  • They 're coming after us without fighter cover .

    他们 不用 掩护就冲我们飞过来了。

  • With grassland and woods increasing runoff decreases . Runoff comes up to 740m3 / s increasing 30 % when land is baked without any cover .

    随着草地和林地面积增加,黄河源区年径流量减少,地表裸露 植被 覆盖模拟径流量达到最大值740m~3/s,较正常年均径流量增加30%。

  • The results of numerical simulation show that when the coal stockpile is isolated from air the concentration of oxygen decreases faster and the temperature increases slower compared to that in the coal stockpile without cover .

    数值模拟结果表明,在煤堆边界封闭的情况下,孔隙中的氧气消耗很快,与边界开放的 情况相比,煤的温升速率 低, 自燃的趋势显著减缓。

  • The watermark can be significative sequence or binary image and it can be recovered without original cover image as well as good accuracy by utilizing Bayes classifier .

    该算法在小波域逼近子图上利用领域系数的相关性来嵌入数字水印,水印可为有含义序列或二值图且提取时 需要 原始图像,并利用贝叶斯分类器来提高提取准确度。

  • And without the cover of vegetation land becomes more reflective heating up the air above it and potentially contributing to global warming .

    由于 没有植被的 覆盖,土地变得更容易反光,加热了土地上面的空气,而且有可能增加全球变暖。

  • While for those buried hills without cover of source rocks it needs enough fault offset to constitute the oil supply window of Tertiary system or unconformities to provide conduits for oil-gas supply .

    而对于 烃源岩 覆盖的潜山,则需要足够的成山主断层断距来构成潜山的第三系供油窗口或通过不整合面创造其有利的供油气通道。

  • No-tillage without residue cover can reduce the erosion by 21.6 % .

    另外,仅有免耕 没有秸秆 覆盖能减少21.6%的沙尘量。

  • Economic capitalism and economic socialism demonstrate the dominant form of economic organizations without the cover of ideology in the international community in the view of sociology .

    经济资本主义和经济社会主义基本展现了社会学视野中“国际社会” 剥去意识形态 外壳之后经济组织的主导形式。

  • Through field experiment the paper analysed the changes of soil temperature under covers with different thickness of organic mulch and the results were compared with control without cover .

    以田间实验为基础,分析了在不同厚度的有机物覆盖层下土壤温度变化的机制并与 覆盖条件下的土壤温度进行了比较。

  • Treadle type sewing machine with drawer without cover

    脚踏式一斗 缝纫机

  • The results also show that for both wind speeds the exergy efficiency of the PV / T system with additional glazing cover is higher than that of the system without additional glazing cover .

    分析结果还表明,在两种风速条件下,带玻璃盖板的pv/t系统的可用能(exergy)转换效率η∑, 2nd均高于不带玻璃 盖板的pv/t系统。

  • Through field trails and construc-tion practice of consolidation grouting without cover at the section of No. 1 ~ 6 units it has been proved that the consolidation grouting without concrete cover on steep slope is very successful with remarkable benefits in technology and economy .

    通过 重团结灌浆试验及1#~6#机组段施工实践确认,在陡坡上进行无混凝土盖重团结灌浆是十分成功的,其技术、经济效益显著。

  • Researching on the Leadless Preserved Quail Egg without Cover Plaster

    无铅 鹌鹑松花蛋的研制

  • Without access to cover at the airports in Sao Paulo City Azul established its main hub in the wealthy agricultural heart-land of Sao Paulo state .

    圣保罗市各机场 没有起降面积, azul便在这个富有、以农业为中心的圣保罗州建立了自己的主要航线枢纽。

  • It would be politically suicidal to force higher energy prices on Americans without bipartisan cover .

    再比如说气候变化, 如果 两党的共同支持,提高美国能源价格将会是一次政治自杀。

  • The book provides a lot of insights into psychology and their impact in software development projects without trying to cover all aspects of social skills .

    本书还提供了很多心理学的深入探讨,以及它们对于软件开发项目的影响,不过并 没有试图 覆盖所有的社会交往技能。

  • Consolidation Grouting on Steep without Cover

    三峡左厂坝后陡坡 重固结灌浆施工

  • A book without cover paper .

    后置)一本 没有 封面的书( 前置)。

  • The gain via 2 cycles of recurrent selection for ASI ( anthesis-silking interval ) in two maize populations was investigated under conditions with or without plastic cover and direct seeding or transplanting .

    利用两个群体各二个轮回选择周期的材料,研究了ASI(散粉至抽丝间隔)在 膜与 露地以及直播与移栽条件下的反应。

  • Without the Cover of a State of High-pile Pier Construction Techniques
