without regard to

[wɪðˈaʊt rɪˈɡɑrd tu][wiˈðaut riˈɡɑ:d tu:]


  • To those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders ; nor can we consume the world 's resources without regard to effect .

    对于那些像我们一样相对富足的国家,我们要说,我们不能再对自己国境以外的苦难漠不关心;我们也不能 不顾后果 消耗这个世界的资源。

  • He always does what he thinks right without regard to the consequences .

    他总是本着他认为正确的做, 不管后果如何。

  • The other variable should measure the actual change in seizure frequency without regard to the predetermined percentage .

    其他变量应措施 考虑 预定比例的发作频率的实际变化。

  • It 's a reminder that so many Americans serve and sacrifice on our behalf every single day without regard to their own safety in dangerous and difficult circumstances .

    这提醒我们,有这么多的美国人民每天 为了我们奉献和牺牲, 不顾自身安危在危险和艰难的情境中挺身而出。

  • He has said he will fire editorial employees without regard to seniority .

    他说过 不管资历如何, 任何编辑人员他都有可能解雇。

  • It won 't do just to have good intentions without regard to the effect .

    动机良好, 不管效果 如何,那是不行的。

  • The act of arranging elements into specified groups without regard to order .

    序列 把元素归入到指定的组合中的活动。

  • The minister said the policy continues to target skills without regard to applicants ' national origin or race .

    新西兰移民部长说,移民政策将继续 吸引技术劳工 目标, 国籍或种族。

  • But if you say add widget x to my shopping cart add my billing address abc and checkout without regard to how you do those things then you have the building blocks for a modular test suite .

    但如果你说,把小窗口x加入到我的购物车里,我的账单地址是“abc”,接着结帐,你 考虑 如何做这些事情,那么你就有了模块化测试套件的组成部分。

  • At first without regard to temperature calculate structure 's stress and look for the reason of crack .

    首先在 考虑温度荷载的情况下,对闸墩进行结构计算,探求裂缝出现的原因。

  • Once you have a data source though you can operate on it without regard to the connection semantics .

    一旦建立了数据源,就可以操作它 不用 关心连接的语义了。

  • We recognize that cancer strikes without regard to borders or socioeconomic status said John R.

    我们认识到,肿瘤的发生 国界和社会经济状况 无关

  • The fines should deter competitors from chasing profits without regard to fairness to law or public welfare .

    这些罚款应该会吓阻竞争对手在 考虑法律公正或社会公益的情况下追逐利润。

  • I can order an immediate precipitate withdrawal of all Americans from Vietnam without regard to the effects of that action .

    我能够制定一个直接稳定的方案从越南撤出所有美国人, 绝不 重视这次行动的损失。

  • Cognition problem can not be solved without regard to the matter of language .


  • He did it quite without regard to the results .

    他做这事 绝不 顾及结果。

  • If I thought a thing was right I should do it without regard to consequences .

    如果我认为某一件事是对的,我就会不顾一切后果 做。

  • A venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury .


  • Our talent has historically come from every part of American society without regard to class and economic circumstance .

    从历史上来说,我们的人才来自于美国社会的各个 方面阶级和经济状况 无关

  • In 2007 he decided to allow users to upload audio and video files without regard to copyright .

    2007年,他决定 考虑版权问题,允许用户上传音频和视频文件。

  • Aspect without regard to the beginning or completion of the action of the verb .


  • Section Two presents the process areas alphabetically without regard to either staged maturity level or continuous capability level .

    第二部分按字母顺序展示了过程域, 考虑其它阶段式成熟度等级或者连续式能力等级。

  • It attempted to organize workers along industrial rather than craft lines and without regard to sex or race .

    它试图按照产业界线而不按行业界线, 计较性别或种族 工人组织起来。

  • For these reasons the treaty provisions quoted herein will be strictly observed and enforced by United States forces without regard to whether they are legally binding upon this country .

    基于上述理由,引用的条约条款应被美国严格遵守和实施, 考虑是否是此国家之义务。

  • Many date and time calculations can be done without regard to time zone but it 's still important to understand how DateTimeZone affects what Joda is doing .

    许多日期和时间计算都可以在 涉及时区的情况下完成,但是仍然需要了解DateTimeZone如何影响Joda的操作。

  • It helps define terms in every-day language without regard to technical implementation .

    它帮助用日常语言定义词汇, 技术实现 无关

  • During this period colleges have tried to accept students without regard to their ability to pay .

    在这个时候,大学已尽力录取学生 考虑他们的支付能力。

  • I recognized that sometimes he really did have a point and that insisting on getting my own way all the time without regard to his feelings or needs I was in some way diminishing myself .

    我开始发觉有时候他的话确实有道理,但总是从我的角度出发来讲问题 考虑自己的需要或者情感,而我却在这个争吵的过程中贬低了自己。

  • 13.Volunteering unsolicited opinions on any subject under the sun without regard to their knowledge .

    13. 不管自己了 了解,而任意对任何事情发表意见。

  • The user wants the missing text without regard to which function elided it .

    用户想得到丢失的文本, 关心哪些命令删除了它们。