with ulterior motives


  • The agent and the auditor with ulterior motives are chime in easily and agree with each other on the audit collusion .

    动机不纯容易使代理人和审计人员 一拍即合,达成审计合谋的共识。

  • Their groundless accusation is made with ulterior motives .

    他们的无端攻击是 别有用心的。

  • However with simultaneously widespread concern in the civil litigation by all countries but also used by some people with ulterior motives .

    然而,在民事诉讼受到各国普遍关注的同时,也为 个别 别有用心者所利用。

  • But not all ordinary Chinese support this opinion and Chinese officials also feel that GMO is essentially a technological issue not a political question or one with ulterior motives ' Mr. Ye said .

    但他指出,并非所有普通的中国人都支持这一观点,中国领导层也认为转基因在本质上是一个技术问题,而不是一个政治问题,或者是 什么 不可告人 目的

  • ' I don 't know who said China will set up an ADIZ in the South China Sea but I think this kind of speculation and rumor is made with ulterior motives ' she said .

    华春莹表示,她不知道中国将在南海划设防空识别区的说法出自哪里,但她认为这种猜测和谣言 居心叵测

  • The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen -- not with the best of intentions . ; A weasel giving new year 's greetings to a hen has ulterior motives .

    黄鼠狼给鸡 拜年,没安好心。

  • It is not the students themselves who are to blame for it but a small number of persons with ulterior motives mainly higher intellectuals inside the Party who incited them to action .

    主要责任不在学生,而是少数 别有用心的人煽动,其中主要 少数党内高级知识分子。

  • You may think you are getting somewhere with someone who interests you but this person has ulterior motives .

    你可能认为你们的关系已经达到了某个程度,但对方却有一些 隐情

  • Sometimes ' Human Flesh Search ' can help on supervision by public opinion and facts disclosure however sometimes it also cause the result of infringement of right of privacy due to some person with ulterior motives and misused by thousands of internet users .

    人肉搜索在如今的互联网环境中,时而起到有效的社会舆论监督、挖掘事实真相的作用,但由于部分 别有用心的人 不明 真相网友的滥用,导致人肉搜索侵犯个人隐私权的 事件时有发生。

  • Fascists have had such an argument they are people with ulterior motives .

    法西斯分子有过这种论调,他们是 别有用心的。