without demur

[wɪðˈaʊt dɪˈmə:][wiˈðaut dɪˈmɜ:]


  • She agreed without demur when asked if she would work late on friday .

    当问及是否愿意礼拜五迟下班时,她 毫无 异议 肯定了。

  • Without demur they joined the party in my rooms .

    他们 没有 推辞就到我的屋里一起聚餐了。

  • He accepted the criticism without demur .

    毫无 异议 接受了批评。

  • Both teams accepted the decision without demur .

    两支队伍均 毫无 异议 接受这一决定。

  • Without demur he gave me the three appointments I asked for .

    毫无 异议 把我所要的三 家具给了我。

  • When Scobie opened the door and stood aside for her to enter she did so without demur .

    当斯科比打开门并站到一边让她进去时,她 犹豫 这样做了。