without charge

[wɪðˈaʊt tʃɑrdʒ][wiˈðaut tʃɑ:dʒ]


  • Eleven people remain in custody . One woman has been freed without charge .

    目前,有11人仍被拘留,一名妇女已被 无罪释放。

  • The prime suspect has been reIeased without charge .

    首要嫌疑犯在 指控 情况下释放了。

  • Chrysler said it will fix the vehicles without charge .

    克莱斯勒表示将 无偿修复问题车辆存在的安全隐患。

  • Civil rights groups argue that the bill is an historic threat to liberty because it expands the authority of the president to order the military to imprison suspects without charge or trial .

    权益团体说,该预算案扩大了总统的权力,使总统可以命令军方在 经过 起诉和审判的 情况 囚禁嫌疑人,这是对公民自由的历史性的威胁。

  • You may carry your luggage on broad without charge .

    您可 免费携带行李上船。

  • At one point a cancerous growth on his face became so prominent that a sympathetic doctor operated on it without charge leaving him with a disfigured nose .

    在某一时刻他脸上的癌症发展变得如此突出,以致于一位有同情心的医生 免费给他作了手术,留给他一个变丑的鼻子。

  • You can carry your hand-baggage on board without charge .

    您可以 免费带手提行李登机。

  • During such period Seller shall repair or replace and reinstall at buyer 's premises the system or any defective portion thereof without charge .

    卖方在该期间 内应 免费在买方场地修理、更换并重新安装××系统或其任何有瑕疵的部分。

  • The policy which was to encourage non-competitive sharing of content without charge was crucial to his business model .

    公司的政策是鼓励 免费共享非竞争性内容,这对他的业务模式至关重要。

  • I can get 2 phone books without charge from the phone company . Our telephone number and fax wil remain unchanged .

    我可以从电话公司 免费得到两本电话簿。本公司电话及传真号码会维持不变。

  • They do the work without charge to the importer .

    他们只是 向进口商 收取 费用

  • Like the ISA it allows people to be detained without charge .

    同内安法一样,紧急法令允许 无偿拘留 任何人。

  • If a flight is not full however passengers'needs would be accommodated without charge wherever possible .

    如果飞机尚有空座,有此种需求的乘客 需再额外 支付一笔现金了。

  • Upon receipt of the above MCG will replace the unit immediately without charge .

    在收到上述文件后,MCG将立即 无偿更换被损的电涌防护器。

  • Qualified users can access the hosted software trials for up to30 days without charge .

    有资格的用户可以 免费使用放置的软件试用版多达30天。

  • Administrative detention without charge or trial ;


  • If it breaks down within one year we service it without charge .

    如果在一年内有故障, 免费修理。

  • It also organises extensive education programmes for sports leaders administrators coaches and technical officials without charge .

    此外,该会也 免费为体坛领袖、体育行政人员、教练和技术人员举办多项运动教育计划。

  • All participants are offered a300-character black-and-white company profile in text without charge .

    凡参加本次展览会的企业可 免费在会刊上作300字以内的黑白文字介绍;

  • In this ledger was made out an exact balance-sheet of his affair 's. I can get 2 phone books without charge from the phone company .

    这本帐簿准确无误地记录着公司的财务状况。我可以从电话公司 免费得到两本电话簿。

  • 875 Fifty-litre carboy would be the most economical size . Carboys may be retained without charge for two months .

    50升的瓶子应是最经济的尺码,这些瓶子可 免费保存两个月。

  • Critics of the state are routinely detained indefinitely without charge or trial .

    批评者常常在 经过 起诉或审问的情形下,被无限期地监禁。

  • He was questioned for six hours but released without charge .

    他受到6个小时的审问后被 无罪释放。

  • The operation was completed without charge and it wasn 't long before Andrew was home again and doing well .

    手术完成了, 没有 收费。很快安德鲁就回家了,一切都很好。

  • He was held incommunicado in prison for ten days before being released without charge .

    在被 指控释放以前,他在狱中被单独监禁了10天。

  • Mr Bakir who denies any wrongdoing was questioned by police 10 days ago and released without charge .

    10天前,巴克尔接受了警方质询,后被 无罪释放。他否认自己存在任何不当行为。

  • They were questioned for 13 hours and hundreds of documents and computer files were seized . They were eventually released without charge .

    他们接受了13个小时的审讯,数百份文档和计算机文件被查封,但两人最终 无罪释放。

  • All seafarers shall have access to an efficient adequate and accountable system for finding employment on board ship without charge to the seafarer .

    所有海员应能够利用 向海员 收费的高效、充分和可靠的系统寻找船上就业的机会。

  • High-availability secondary nodes can be deployed without charge if they are only functioning as backup secondaries .

    但是如果高可用性辅助节点仅起到备份辅助的作用,那么可 免费部署。

  • As long as the secondary nodes function only as backup secondaries they can be deployed without charge .

    只要辅助节点仅起到备份辅助的作用,它们可以 免费部署。