



  • Betty : Becky Wang the singer withe Crazy Feet and the person who started New Standard !

    贝蒂:贝基·王,疯狂 大脚 乐队的歌手,并且是《新标准》的创始人。

  • I lost a withe handkerchief with a blue border .

    我丢了一块兰色花边的白 手绢

  • Third : focus on and be satisfied withe the present .

    第三:专注 眼前满意现状。

  • The author concludes some results about how to deal withe commerce in retail industry through the analysis of SCM ( supply chain management ) implement in details in BaiSheng Corporation .

    本文通过对百盛实施SCM(供应链管理)前后的详细分析,来考察现今零售行业应该如何对待 电子商务。

  • In this paper we produce the experiment that young myopes are prevented and cured withe easy result sharp-eyed and the significance statistical analysis . P < 0.05 . Its effect is very significant .

    本文对易效 明目功防治青少年近视眼的效用进行了显著性统计分析,P<0.05,效果显著。

  • Motion of particles withe slow velocity in the Kerr metric fild of gravity


  • The results show that the calculating results coincided with each other very well for MEA process and approximately identified withe them for MDEA aqueous solution selected absorption process .

    结果表明:对MEA法的计算结果很吻合;对 MDEA法的选吸计算结果大体是一致的。

  • Women should live for themselves withe a rather simple life .

    女人应当为自身而活,活的轻松,活的 随便 一个自我,活 一份 心境

  • A Hybrid Low-Noise Wide-Band Amplifier IC Withe AGC

    混合集成低噪声宽带 AGC放大器

  • Be based upon the status quo the article proposes to support the vocational education institutions in coal industry rebuild the personnel training system that interacting withe .

    基于现状,建议通过扶持煤炭职业院校、重建 企业互动的人才培养体系及 出台人才 培育 应急 方案等来 解决

  • Even the eaves were hung on with snow looking like the fringe of a withe shawl .

    连屋檐上也挂满了雪,看来就 活像一条 白色 花边

  • Free to fly withe the wind !

    终于 可以 随风自由飞翔了!

  • Using isotope tracer ~ ( 32 ) p ane ~ ( 86 ) rb to study the withe 's broom of Paulownia

    应用~(32)P和~(86)Rb对泡桐 丛枝病的示踪试验

  • Results showed that there was remarkable difference between T lymphocyte subsets of peripheral blood of the patients withe lung cancer and normal human . It was shown that T_H cells fell Ts cell rose and T_H / T_S ratio became inverse .

    结果提示:肺癌病人外周血中T细胞亚群明显有别于正常人,主要表现为TH细胞降低和TS细胞升高以及T H/TS比值明显倒置。

  • Responses in Four Herbages Withe Different Salt Resistance to Na_2SO_4 Stress

    4种抗盐性不同牧草对Na 2SO4胁迫的反应

  • Withe the development of monetization and globalization of the economy the liquidity risks ane becoming the main problem of commercial banks .


  • In the middle stage withe the deepening of the sea water horizontal bedding deformation bedding and convolution bedding developed suggesting a platform-marginal slope facies .

    中期海水加深,发育了水平层理、变形 层理及包卷层理等,近于台地边缘斜坡相。

  • According to the geographic distribution analysis of genera the characters of flora are similar with that of other Hills and Mountains areas which close to the 30 degree North Latitude in Zhejiang Province the flora is also related withe the flora of Japan .

    属的地理成份的分析表明:处于北纬30°线附近的本区域与相近纬度浙江其他山地的植物区系性质相似,并与 东部日本植物区系相联系。

  • Interleaved & turn high - voltage transformer windings have found uses in many types of transformers withe different ratings .

    高压变压器 纠结式线圈目前已广泛地用于不同 容量、不同电压等级的变压器中。