withdraw from

[wɪðˈdrɔ frʌm][wiðˈdrɔ: frɔm]


  • If this policy were pursued Britain would have to withdraw from the EU with profound economic consequences .

    如果实施这项政策,英国就只能 退出欧盟,从而带来影响深远的经济后果。

  • Any Member may withdraw from this Agreement .

    任何成员均可 退出本协定。

  • He has decided to withdraw from the competition .

    他已决定 退出竞赛。

  • A back injury forced her to withdraw from Wimbledon

    背部受伤使她不得不 退出温布尔登赛事。

  • An early example was the campaign to force foreign investors to withdraw from South Africa .

    一个早期例子就是迫使外国投资者 撤出南非的运动。

  • Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely immediately and without condition .

    伊拉克必须完全、立即、无条件地 撤出科威特。

  • I withdraw from the case .

    我就 撒手不管了。

  • Advance notification of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement or contract .


  • He had the good sense to withdraw from the election contest .

    他很明智, 退出了竞选。

  • Was the reversal of kennedy 's decision to withdraw from vietnam .

    驳回了肯尼迪 越南 撤军的决定。

  • Tell the men to withdraw from their new position .

    告诉那些士兵 他们的新阵地上 撤退

  • Based on what people withdraw from the economic system i.e.consumption or income less savings .

    以个人 经济体系中 抽出部份为计算基础,例如消费或收入扣除储蓄。

  • A spokesman for Toshiba hinted that the company may withdraw from the LCD production business .

    东芝公司一位发言人最近暗示,东芝公司很可能会 退出LCD产品制造领域。

  • Account balance-this is your earnings the amount you can withdraw from .

    户头结余?这是你所赚的,可以 提取的。

  • She 'd half expected him to withdraw from the course .

    她多少已经预料到他会中途就 退出这门课程。

  • Do not connect to the Internet will automatically withdraw from the case .

    不连接互联网时,会发生自动 退出的情况。

  • We will therefore withdraw from our discussions with Dailymotion and its current owners .

    因此,我们将 退出与Dailymotion及其当前所有者的讨论。

  • The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks .

    非洲国民大会威胁要 退出会谈。

  • It 's most direct and tragic result was the reversal of Kennedy 's decision to withdraw from Vietnam .

    它最直接、也是最具悲剧性的后果,就是改变了肯尼迪 越南 撤军的决定。

  • Go into retirement ; stop performing one 's work or withdraw from one 's position .

    引退;停止履行某人的工作或 某的的位置上 退出

  • It also demanded that Spain withdraw from Cuba and give up all claims to the island .

    并且国会要求西班牙 古巴 撤出并且放弃已经宣布的对这个岛上的土地的所有占有权。

  • Units or individuals who have joined the CPPCC have the obligation to observe and implement the charter of the CPPCC . They have the freedom to withdraw from the CPPCC .

    参加政协的单位和个人都有遵守和履行政协章程的义务,也有声明 退出政协的自由。

  • The company has decided to withdraw from some of its sports sponsorship .

    这家公司已决定 撤销部分体育项目的赞助。

  • 9.6.1 Any Signatory may withdraw from this Agreement .

    6.1任何签署方可 退出本协定。

  • From the general came the order to withdraw from the theater of war .

    将军发出了 战区 撤军的命令。

  • It says that the president has graciously rescinded the decision to withdraw from international competition .

    声明称,总统婉言废止了 退出国际比赛的决定。

  • It designed a mechanism to withdraw from the perspective to achieve metabolic .

    她为自己设计了一个 退出机制来 勇敢地实现观点的新陈代谢。

  • Why did he withdraw from the race ?

    他为什么 退出了比赛?

  • Top doctors began to withdraw from the proposal because they felt that there were not enough safeguards .

    高级医师开始 提案 让步,因为他们觉得没有足够的安全保障。

  • He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election .

    他告知他们自己要 退出选举的决定。