without ceremony

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈsɛrəˌmoni][wiˈðaut ˈseriməni]


  • He had his head cut off without much ceremony .

    他让人 随便 便 把头 了下来。

  • But in my opinion love that stands the test of time is without words without ceremony or grand gestures .

    但依我之见,经得起时间考验的爱是无需言语的,也 需要 仪式或大事张扬。

  • A man without ceremony has need of great merit in its place .

    礼貌的人, 任何优点都弥补不了。

  • Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony .

    在英国,由牧师证婚的婚姻 即使 没有别的 仪式也是合法的。

  • The priest looked up from his book and stood silent . Mr Rochester said in his deep voice without turning his head 'Continue with the ceremony . '

    牧师从书本中抬起头来,静静地站着。罗切斯特先生 没有回头,用他深沉的声音说: 仪式继续进行。

  • He nodded to Skelton and without further ceremony left him .

    他对 斯克尔顿点点头,不再说什么 客套走了。

  • He rose gave his seat to M.de Boville who took it without ceremony and quickly drew up the required assignment while the Englishman counted out the bank-notes on the other side of the desk .

    他站起来,把他的位子让给了 波维里先生,后者 谦让地坐了下来,急忙写那张对方需要的转让证明,而那英国人则在写字台的对面数钞票。

  • They were received without ceremony ie informally .

    他们受到 不拘 礼节的欢迎。

  • She was escorted without ceremony towards the exit .

    她被匆匆忙忙 护送着朝出口走去。

  • I handed her my letter of resignation without ceremony .

    随便 把自己的辞职书交给了她。

  • His interment was as he had requested simple and without ceremony .

    按他的要求,葬礼 没有 仪式,很简单。

  • Without seeing with my own eyes of the grand performance at the opening ceremony brilliant fireworks during the dress rehearsal have fascinated me with joy .

    虽然没有亲眼目睹 开幕 的盛大演出, 彩排时的绚丽烟花已足以令我万分憧憬。

  • He produced the book without further ceremony from under his bed .

    不再 推托,从床底下拿出了那本书。

  • The burial was done early in the morning without a ceremony .

    “遗体一清早就被埋葬了, 没有 举行 仪式。”

  • ' Is Hilton here ? ' she asked without ceremony .

    “希尔顿在吗?”她 随口问道。

  • I treat you without ceremony Mr. Knightley .

    奈特利先生,我对你 客气了。

  • The items to be sold this auction include a group of boats with engines and other boats without engines all of which were used at the opening ceremony gala show .

    此次拍卖资产主要包括参加百年盛会 开幕式活动的一批动力艇和 动力旗船。

  • Without standing on ceremony we grabbed some food and took our seats at an empty table .

    我们也 客气地自取了些食物在一张空桌周围坐下。

  • Correctly 'he remarked ` that fool 's body should be buried at the crossroads without ceremony of any kind .

    “正确地讲,”他说,“那个傻瓜的尸首应该埋在十字路口, 不用任何一种 仪式

  • As a new marriage culture Naked Wedding refers to a marriage mode that young people get married only by registration without buying an apartment a car or even without a wedding ceremony .

    作为一种新的婚姻文化,裸婚是指没房、没车、 婚礼而直接领结婚证的婚姻方式。

  • Naked wedding means newlyweds without a house car diamond ring or grand wedding ceremony .

    的意思是新婚夫妇 没有房、 没有车、 没有钻戒或盛大的 婚礼 现象

  • She arrived at the airport without the pomp and ceremony that usually accompanies important politicians .

    她到达机场, 没有通常伴随着重要政治家的盛况和 礼仪