


v.(使)枯萎, (使)干枯, (使)凋谢( wither的现在分词 )萎缩,(尤指渐渐)破灭,消失

  • Experimental Study on Sunshine Continuous Withering Method of White Tea and Its Application Effect

    白茶日光连续 萎凋方式及应用效果试验研究

  • I had the feeling of a stray lamb looking for shelter and a withering flower looking for rain and dew .

    我有迷途的羔羊寻找庇护所, 凋谢中的花朵寻找雨露 那样的感觉。

  • Romance is seeing flowers withering away you want to cry .

    浪漫是瞧见花将 凋零想哭泣。

  • He made a withering attack on governmerit policy .

    他对政府的政策进行了一 凌厉的攻击。

  • Foliage dull dark green at tips or margins of leaflets and withering of older leaves .

    植株小叶的尖端和边缘 暗绿,老叶 干枯

  • Bright colourful flowers it will eventually have one days beginning withered withering .

    鲜艳的花,它始终有一天会 枯萎

  • I am withering and dying crying out to You .

    我正在 枯萎,死去,向你而哭。

  • The withering of the Doha world trade round has led predictably to a flourishing crop of alternatives .

    可以预见的是,多哈(Doha)回合世贸谈判的 枯萎,促成了各种选择的繁荣。

  • Under the withering assault of the locust swarms a quarter of west Africa 's crops could vanish .

    在蝗虫群的 毁灭性袭击下,西非农作物的4分之一可能完全消失。

  • Their love was withering away .

    他们的爱情正在 凋零

  • Withering in the Conflict and Confusion & On root causes of Tess ' tragedy

    在冲突和迷茫中 凋零&浅析苔丝的悲剧命运根源

  • The grass was withering on the hillsides .

    山坡上的青草渐渐 枯萎

  • Deborah Jane 's mother gave her a withering look


  • We only managed to walk a few steps before collapsing in the withering heat .

    我们在 酷署中只走了几步就倒下了。

  • Old people are complaining that the old ethical values are withering away .

    老人抱怨说旧的伦理价值正在 消亡

  • On this point although I have not personally experienced the stink of a Chinese skunk I can attest that an American skunk 's withering stink is the worst smelling thing I have ever come across .

    在这方面,我虽然没有亲身体验过中国臭鼬的臭味,但我能证明,美国臭鼬的可怕恶臭,是我这辈子 闻过的最难闻气味。

  • The grass is gradually dried-up and withering and Pallen leaves .

    草渐渐干枯、 枯萎并落叶。

  • This is why last week 's news about the withering green shoots is so important .

    这就是上周有关萌芽 枯萎的消息之所以如此重要的原因。

  • Hitherto the withering flowers cant withstand the sunshine notwithstanding my care .

    尽管有我的呵护,这些 凋谢的花至今仍经不起阳光。

  • But drivers found the new system confusing and consumer reports issued a withering report on its functionality .

    但是驾驶者发现,这个新系统让人困惑,而《消费者报告》( Consumer Reports)则发表了一份报告,对这个系统的功能 大加 讽刺

  • The death of cells is similar to withering of flowers which is an active physiological cycle .

    细胞死亡的类似 枯萎的花朵,这是一个积极的生理周期。

  • The right time to collect rhizome should be at the stage of twining stem withering .

    合适的采挖期仍以地上缠绕茎 枯萎

  • She launched a withering attack on the Press .

    她向该通讯社发起了一场 声势 逼人的讨伐。

  • Daylight Withering Room Design for White Tea and the Improvement on Withering Condition

    白茶日光 萎凋房设计及其对萎凋环境的影响

  • She scorns a pasture withering to the root .

    她再不屑于牧场 干枯的草根。

  • It is in this withering silence the fall last drop of dew .

    就在这 枯萎的沉寂里,落下最后一滴露水。

  • The root of ideal is withering eventually the secular spirit of utilitarianism is concealed .

    理想的根系 慢慢 枯萎,最终为功利主义的世俗精神所掩盖。

  • Possessing annihilative power ; a devastating hurricane ; the guns opened a withering fire .

    拥有毁灭性的力量;毁灭性的飓风;枪炮毁灭性的 开火了。

  • Withering is a key process in the formation of white tea quality .


  • These were Charlotte Bronze 's Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte 's Withering Heights .

    这就是 夏洛特勃朗特的《简爱》和艾米莉勃朗特的《呼啸山庄》。