You must employ and deal with all your employees fairly and without discrimination .
必须公正地、 无 岐视地对待所有员工。
It should timely introduce the Housing Act based on summarizing the experience of existing systems to establish a national unity higher effectiveness residential security system to grantee the lower-middle class without discrimination .
提出应当在总结既有制度经验的基础上,适时推出住宅法,建立全国统一的、效力位阶更高的,面对社会中低阶层的, 无 歧视的住宅保障体系。
This research demonstrates that hospital managers shall build the people-oriented ideology of human resources establish the changing mechanism of human resource adapted to market requirements building a management atmosphere of treating personnel equally without discrimination .
通过本研究启示医院管理者要树立以人为本的人力资源管理理念,建立主动适应市场需求的人力资源应变机制,营造 一视同仁、内外 无别的人力资源管理氛围。
Such are the places where every man woman and child seeks equal justice equal opportunity equal dignity without discrimination .
这些地方是每一位男子、妇女和儿童 没有 歧视地寻求平等的正义、机会和尊严的地方。
The materials show that language policies in Korea bring on character gap . Part of Korean understand Chinese characters which can not be treated equally without discrimination .
资料显示,韩国的韩文政策导致了文字代沟,韩国人并不是人人懂汉字, 不能 一视同仁。
To treat all guests in the same way without discrimination in race nationality wealth and relationship .
对所有客人, 不 分种族,民族,国别,贫富,亲疏, 一视同仁。
Many thoughts still have enormous values nowadays such as people-oriented and Teaching without Discrimination and Teacher Being a Paragon and so forth .
儒家教育思想 包含诸多的 方面,其中如以人为本、 有教无类、身教示范等观点在当代社会仍有巨大的借鉴价值和启示意义。
Everyone without any discrimination has the right to equal pay for equal work .
人人有同工同酬的权利, 不 受任何 歧视。
In the case of a quarantIne pest withIn a country measures shall be applied without discrimInation between domestic and imported consignments .
如果一个国家内出现检疫性病虫害,对国内托运物品和进口托运物品都应 一视同仁 地采取检疫措施。
Although Europeanization is an undisputable fact and is still continuing in the contemporary language we cannot accept it altogether without discrimination .
汉语的欧化是一个 不争的事实,而且 欧化现象在当代,乃至将来仍会继续,这是由于语言是开放的动态系统这一性质决定的。然而, 任何事物都具有两面性。
Prophethood is indivisible and the Qur'an requires recognition of all prophets as such without discrimination .
先知是不能分割的,可兰也同样要求 毫无 歧视地识别所有的先知。
International Forum of the Americas on Population and Social Integration : For a Millennium without Discrimination of Age in Health Care
人口老龄化与社会融合问题美洲国际论坛:一个保健 无年龄 歧视的千年
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law .
法律之前人人平等,并有权享受法律的平等保护, 不 受任何 歧视。
To put together in a single group without discrimination .
聚成团 不 加 区别地聚集在一个群体里。
The anti-dumping has comprehensive influence to import country export country and the third country . It is unwise to punish the low price goods without discrimination .
倾销对进口国、出口国、第三国的影响错综复杂, 判断其利弊往往需要对相关产业、社会福利进行系统 分析,一遇到低价销售 就发起反倾销是不明智之举。
Rational environment protection measure should conform to the most-favored nation treatment principle and national treatment principle and treat all the like product from any other countries equally without discrimination and no less favorable to domestic like product .
正当环境措施首先应该符合最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则,对来自所有国家的相同或类似产品 一视同仁,给予进口产品以不低于国内产品的待遇。
He had read without discrimination everything that he happened to come across .
他 不 加 选择地读了他所能得到的一切书。
He Proposed whose teaches all comers without discrimination viewpoint and first time proposed in the world teaches students in accordance with their aptitude education idea .
提出了“ 有教无类”的观点。并在世界上第一次提出了因材施教的教育观念。
Many counterfeiters don 't pay taxes are big polluters underpay workers and produce dangerous products without discrimination .
很多造假者不 交税,是很大的污染源,对工人支付低工资,并 随意生产危险的产品。
Secondly he created universal education objective education and age-fitting education derived from Confucian principle of ' 'providing education without discrimination ;
二是将孔子的 有教无类的教育思想推进为全民教育、目标教育、适时教育的理论;
Fourth broad audience education without discrimination .
受众广泛, 有教无类。
Our country treats all districts equally without discrimination adopts the unified financial policy so it can 't raise the anticipant result .
我国采取了“一盘棋”的金融政策,对所有区域 一视同仁,使得政策不能起到预期的效果。
The other side is that we must insist on killing less and must strictly forbid killing without discrimination .
另一方面,必须坚持少杀,严禁 乱杀。
They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination .
他们烹调手艺不高,也 不 挑食。
We should actively push forward the establishment of an open and fair multilateral trade mechanism without discrimination and further improve the international financial system ;
我们应该积极推动建立健全开放、公平、 非 歧视的多边贸易体制,进一步完善国际金融体制;
Jeff : Wouldn 't it be nice to live in a world without discrimination ?
杰夫:生活在 歧视的世界难道很美好吗?
The pope said the right to food was a right for all human beings without discrimination .
教皇说,对食物的需求是每个人的权利, 不能 区别 对待。
The opening of government procurement market provides qualified enterprises with a market opportunity without discrimination .
政府采购市场的开放为具有 竞标资格的各类企业提供了同等的市场机会,成为政府采购的注册供应商,可以获得许多商业 效应;
美[wɪðˈaʊt dɪˌskrɪməˈneʃən]英[wiˈðaut dɪˌskrimiˈneiʃən]
[法] 一视同仁,无歧视