without a break of

[wɪðˈaʊt e brek ʌv][wiˈðaut ə breik ɔv]


  • And Ive met plenty of other people dads and uncles and men without a family connection who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young people a strong male role model .

    我也遇见过大量其他的人,爸爸们,叔伯们和其他 没有 完整家庭的男人们。他们也尽力去 打破这个怪圈,给予我们更多的年轻人强大的男性的榜样。

  • The technologies of concreting in lifts and without a break temperature control and some other effective measures for quality control are taken in the great mass concrete foundation construction of the podium and main building of Nanjing International Trade Centre .

    在南京国际贸易中心大厦大体积混凝土施工中, 裙楼和塔楼底板混凝土分别采用全面分层浇筑和 成型浇筑的工艺、温度监控及施工技术和施工组织等方面的质量控制措施;

  • Moreover without the support of water resources system society economic development will be a great burden to work better and this will may break the ability of water resources system .

    反之, 如果 没有水资源系统的支持,社会、经济发展的 需要将对水资源系统造成重负,这将可能 破坏水资源系统可持续发展的能力。

  • Eg. he always work for five hours without a break in front of his computer .

    他总是在电脑前五小时一直 间断地工作。

  • The machine gunner fired off two magazines without a break The laser jet printer is out of order .

    机枪手一口气 打光 两梭子子弹。这台激光打印机 不能正常工作了。