work off steam

[wɚk ɔf stim][wə:k ɔf sti:m]


  • I go out for a long walk when I feel anxious ; it helps me to work off steam .

    我感到忧虑时,就外出长时间的散步,这样有助于我 消愁解闷

  • Getting to know the people you work with in a social setting . Building better relationships with your colleagues . Having the opportunity to let off some steam about work . Relaxing with your colleagues in the middle of a busy day

    在一个社交的环境中了解你的 同事。.和你的同事建立更好的关系.有机会 缓解一些工作的压力.在繁忙的一天中间,和你的同事一起 放松