work slice

[wɚk slaɪs][wə:k slais]


  • But he said Chinese carmakers would need to work hard on promoting their brands on top of improving their technology if they want to get a bigger slice of the market .

    不过,他表示,中国汽车生产商如果想分得更大的市场 份额,除了改进技术外,必须 努力 做好品牌宣传。

  • In a resource-local transaction the unit of work is first analyzed to partition the managed instances into subsets for each underlying slice .

    在一个资源本地的事务中,首先分析 作业单元来将管理实例分区到每个底层 的子集。

  • The authors of this article have done some research work on natural con-vection heat transfer of a radiator of round steel series of slice .

    对圆形钢串叶 散热器自然对流换热的规律进行了试验 研究

  • I 'm here to work on my slice .

    我来 我的 职责

  • The related research work were mainly focused on the implementing methods for the key modules of the software prototype including : slice image stack fast reconstruction high accuracy image edge detection inspection model and CAD model alignment wall thickness inspection and casting defects extraction etc.

    研究了图像序列快速重建、高精度图像边缘检测、叶片点云模型与CAD设计模型配准、叶片壁厚检测与铸造缺陷 分析等关键模块的实现方法。

  • The paper introduces a three phase frequency conversive dephasing programmed power source which can work as synchronous generator field power source and stresses the working principle of signal synthesis circuit in the central link well as the function of 8098 computer on slice .

    介绍了一种作为同步发电机励磁电源的三相变频移相程控电源,着重说明了电源的中心环节信号合成电路的工作原理和8098 单片机的作用。

  • Work on being able to hit the slice and the flat serve off the same toss in different directions .

    无论 切削发球或 平击发球,都要 学习能以相同的 托球位置,发往不同的方向和位置。

  • The SEC must be left to do its work and be unhindered by those in Washington who want to slice and dice various parts of capital regulation into a new model .

    必须让证交会放手履行自己的 职能,而不受华盛顿有些人的阻碍,他们希望将资本监管 分割成各个不同部分,形成一种新的模式。