


  • Good materials and sound workmanship .

    优质材料和精美 做工

  • Pottery that reveals craft and fine workmanship ;

    展示手艺和 做工 精细的陶制品;

  • He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production .

    他强调:在工业生产中, 产品 工艺和质量比数量更加重要。

  • It is good in material fashionable in design and superb in workmanship .

    你说的对。材质好、设计时尚、 做工优秀。

  • We were much impressed by the high quality and fine workmanship of your products .

    贵方产品的高品质和优良 工艺给我们很深刻的印象。

  • It 's a porcelain of delicate workmanship .

    这是一个 工艺精美的瓷器。

  • The problem may be due to poor workmanship

    问题可能在于 工艺 差。

  • All works sculpted under this rules are vivid from an uncanny workmanship .

    所以,造成了我的作品一件件有 鬼斧神工,栩栩如生。

  • Her technique and workmanship are exquisite .

    她的技巧和 工艺都很精致。

  • They have a hatred of bad workmanship .

    他们很讨厌低劣的 工艺品

  • This vase is a piece of exquisite workmanship .

    这花瓶 工艺

  • This emBroidery factory has produced every piece of emBroidery with exquisite workmanship .

    该刺绣厂的每件绣品 做工 讲究

  • The company 's excellent workmanship and good prestige are popular with the customers at home and abroad .

    公司凭借精湛的 技艺和良好的信誉深受国内外广大客户的青睐。

  • The surface preparation quality and workmanship should be ensured .

    应保证表面处理的质量和 工艺

  • With good commercial reputations and exquisite workmanship we have earned goodwill from our customers .

    公司凭借精湛的 工艺和良好的商业信誉,博得客户称誉。

  • The standard of workmanship is very high .

    工艺 精湛

  • This factory 's products are noted for their fine workmanship and durability .

    该厂的产品具有 工艺 精湛、经久耐用的特点。

  • The Seller guarantees that the instrument contracted for will be made of the best materials with first-class workmanship .

    卖方保证合同中订购的仪器以一流的 工艺和最好的材料制成。

  • Take into account the quality and workmanship you will find the price is justified .

    考虑到质量和 做工,你会发现其价格是公道的。

  • ' Shoddy workmanship these days ' he remarked . ' No matter it will still bear my weight . '

    “现如今的 做工实在是 差劲,”他说,“无所谓了,好歹还撑得住我的体重。”

  • The material and workmanship of this suits are first rate .

    衣服的 做工和料子都是 最好的。

  • They remarked on the quality of the workmanship .

    他们提到了 工艺的质量问题。

  • Taking into account the quality and workmanship you will find the price is justified for the other set .

    如果考虑一下质量和 工艺,您会发现另外那组 家具的价格是合理的。

  • Responsible for the quality of the workmanship and innovation of the products .

    负责 工艺的质量和产品的创新。

  • Responsible for the design and development of new product and improvement of workmanship .

    负责新产品设计和开发及 工艺的改进。

  • Superb quality and exquisite workmanship can show from every detail .

    高超的品质和精美的 做工可以从每一个细节表现出来。

  • The finish and workmanship of the woodwork was excellent .

    这件木工品的抛光和 做工 均属上乘。

  • The bracelet was made with exquisite workmanship .

    这只手镯做得 巧夺天工

  • It has sound workmanship mechanic performance erosion-resistance relatively high electric and heat performance .

    有良好的 工艺性能、机械性能和耐蚀性,还有较高的导电性和导热性。