working gas

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ɡæs][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ɡæs]


  • Working Gas Study for End Cap Shower Counter of Beijing Spectrometer

    北京谱仪端盖簇射计数器 工作 气体的研究

  • Process parameters included RF power substrate negative bias voltage substrate temperature and working gas pressure .

    工作 气体为氩气。工艺参数有射频功率、衬底负偏压、衬底温度和 工作 气压等。

  • In the experiment the working gas was Ar .

    实验采用 工作 气体为Ar,催化剂选用纳米Cu颗粒。

  • Plasma spraying is the process of the plasma jet produced by the plasma spraying gun . In the use of spraying gun the working gas can have good compression on the arc through the nozzle to generate the plasma arc .

    等离子喷涂是由等离子喷枪产生等离子射流,在喷枪使用中, 工作 气体要通过喷嘴才能对电弧进行良好压缩而产生等离子弧。

  • Influence of working gas pressure and pulse width of the bias voltage on the properties of the thin film are studied .

    研究了注入脉宽和 工作 气压对合成薄膜性能及化学组成的影响;

  • With the helium as the working gas we attained 119.7K the refrigeration temperature of the pulse tube .

    以氦气为 质,获得了 119.7K的脉管无负荷制冷温度,在国内首次用热声机械进入低温温区。

  • This paper discusses how to solve the problems of cooling of compression lubricating and gas purification in different working gas and operating condition . That can use freon compressor to compress helium gas and ensures the safety 、 reliability 、 long-life operation of helium compressor .

    讨论了在不同 、工况情况下,如何解决压缩的冷却、润滑以及气体纯化等问题,才能用氟里昂压缩机压缩氦工质,保证氦气压缩机安全、可靠、长寿命运行。

  • The technology of humidity sensing film of RF sputtering manufacture is introduced in this article discussing the effect of substrate temperature working gas working pressure discharge voltage and discharge time on feature of humidity sensing film .

    本文介绍了RF溅射制备湿度敏感膜技术,讨论了衬底温度、 工作 气体及压力、放电电压及时间对湿敏膜感湿特性的影响。

  • The parameters which affect the hold off voltage of the one stage pseudo spark switch such as the working gas the pressure the gap distance and the hole diameter of the electrodes have been studied .

    对影响单级赝火花开关耐受电压的主要因素,如 工作 气体、气压、极间隙和孔径等进行了系统的研究。

  • To raise the working gas pressure is positive to decrease the wall temperature and to improve the heat transfer .

    压力的增加可以有效降低加热管壁面温度并增强 气体与壁面间的换热。

  • An experimental study of working gas in the HPL-2000 laser

    HPL-2000CO2激光器 工作 气体的试验研究

  • The results indicate that the electron emission source and activation source increase the number and kinetic energy of space electrons which greatly increases the ionization of working gas in the glow plasma field .

    实验结果表明,由于电子发射源和活化源提高了空间电子的数目及动能,对 工作 气体在辉光等离子体场中离化有很好的促进作用,显著提高了工作气体的离化率。

  • Atomic peening effect is closely related to the target-to-working gas atomic mass ratio and working gas pressure .

    原子喷丸效应与靶材和工作气体的原子质量比以及 工作 气体压强密切相关。

  • The influence of the technical parameters such as substrate temperature O2 : Ar working gas pressure and sputtering power on the photoelectric properties of samples was studied and analyzed .

    研究分析了基片温度、氧氩比O2:Ar、 工作 气压、溅射功率等工艺参数对样品的光学性能和电学性能的影响。

  • Plasma power is 70 ~ 100 kW . Working gas is air . The physics and chemical properties of saponification waste liquid the powder injection process and plasma treatment process are researched .

    等离子体功率为70~100kW, 工作 气体为空气,实验对皂化废液的物理化学性质、粉末输送工艺和等离子体处理工艺等进行了深入的研究。

  • Based on the hollow cathode effect and low-pressure glow discharge empirical formulas the hollow cathode the accelerating gap and the working gas pressure region are given .

    基于空心阴极效应和低压辉光放电原理与经验,确定了空心阴极、加速间隙、 工作 气压范围等。

  • We have a working gas station movie theater .

    我们有 加油站,电影院。

  • Since argon oxygen and nitrogen are cheap they are usually used as working gas in discharge .

    由于氩气、氮气和氧气成本低廉,因此常被用来作为气体放电的 工作 气体

  • The relationships between the concentration of cycle working gas and operating parameters of process that is a one-pressure-stage two-separation-stage membrane system have been studied with the help of a computer using a mathematical model for evaluating the membrane separation performance .

    本文用数学模型借助计算机对一个一次加压二段气体膜分离流程进行研究,得到了上 循环 浓度与流程操作参数之间的关系。

  • The experimental investigation on the hysteresis effect or double stable state between the working voltage of DC glow discharge with long positive column and discharge current or working gas pressure is described in this paper .

    阐述具有长正柱区的直流辉光放电工作电压与放电电流或 工作 气压之间的滞后效应即双稳态现象的实验研究工作。

  • In this paper the power output characteristics of traveling-wave thermoacoustic engine ( TWTAE ) using nitrogen and helium as working gas have been investigated respectively .

    本文分别以氮气和氦气为 研究了行波热声发动机的声功输出特性。

  • The energy absorption by the working gas the radiation loss from plasma and the effect of working-chamber shape on the laser-sustained plasma characteristics are considered .

    研究中考虑了 对激光能量的吸收与辐射热损失,以及吸收室形状对激光维持等离子体特性的影响。

  • Cracking natural gas with thermal plasma is one of the technical tools to convert natural gas efficiently . With nitrogen as the working gas the main products include acetylene ethylene and hydrogen .

    热等离子体裂解天然气是可以高效转化天然气的技术手段之一,当以氮气为 工作 气体时主要产物有乙炔、乙烯、氢气。

  • Based on exact study on the working theory and effect factors PID with intelligent integral separation is applied to adjust the pressure of the working gas .

    在深入研究激光器工作原理和影响激光输出功率因素的基础上,采用带积分分离的智能PID控制算法对 工作 气体压力进行调节。

  • The effects of the parameters such as sputtering rate working gas pressure and substrate temperature and so on on film-forming mechanism thin film performance .

    深入地分析了溅射速率、 工作 气压和衬底温度等参数对成膜机理、薄膜性能结构与生长速率的影响;

  • The result shows that after working gas injection the density increases and plasma performance is improved .

    其结果表明等离子体建立后 工作 气体的快速注入(即边缘加料)能提高等离子体密度,改善等离子体性能。

  • This paper applies PID with intelligent integral separation to adjust the pressure of the working gas .

    本文采用带积分分离的智能PID控制算法对 工作 气体压力进行调节。

  • The internal flow field of an arcjet using nitrogen as working gas was simulated under the hypothesis of LTE .

    对一个以氮气为 工作 气体、在局域热力学平衡下的超声速电弧喷射器内等离子体流场进行了数值模拟。