

n.病情的检查, <印>污迹

  • The merits of the method is non-toxic PEG-400 as the solvent at the same time doubles as a phase transfer catalyst . The mission is finished with short time mild conditions high yields and simple work-up . 2 .

    该法的优点是无毒无挥发的PEG-400为溶剂的同时兼作相转移催化剂,反应时间短,反应条件温和,产率高, 处理简单。

  • Even if it 's not a heart attack you 'll still get the right cardiology work-up .

    即使那不是心脏病发作,你也仍需正确的心脏病 检查

  • This synthetic strategy compared with traditional method has advantages of high yield elevating reaction rate and simple work-up procedure .

    该法与传统方法相比较具有反应速度快、产率高和 处理简单 优点

  • This method provides several advantages such as neutral conditions high yields and simple work-up procedure .

    该方法操作简便、 产率较高、条件 温和,而且对 环境 友好

  • A complete work-up is necessary to evaluate the cause of the dysphagia in these patients and either pneumatic dilatation or a second operation can often correct the problem .

    一个完整的 工作 行动是必要的,以评估这些患者吞咽困难的原因,要么气动扩张或第二次手术通常可以解决问题。

  • Its advantages are easy work-up mild reaction condition high yield and environmental compatibility .

    它的优点是操作简单、反应条件 温和、产率高和环境污染小。

  • IBX is a new dehydrogenating reagent with such advantages as mild reaction condition high selectivity convenient work-up and recyclable .

    IBX是一类新型的脱氢试剂,它具有反应条件温和、选择性较高、 处理 简便、可再生利用等优点。

  • We also completed the works of process optimizing . In comparison to what described in the literatures this synthetic strategy is superior in simple work-up easily obtained materials mild reaction conditions simple disposal high yield and purity .

    我们还对 噻吩酮类 化合物的合成工艺进行了优化,与文献相比该方法的 优点 在于 操作简单,原料易得,反应条件温和, 处理非常简单,收率较高,纯度好。

  • In the last step we developed two methods of deprotection employing zinc dust and catalytic hydrogenolysis respectively to give the final product and improved the work-up as well .

    在最后一步脱保护基的研究中,我们分别采用了锌粉还原和钯碳氢化两种方法得到最终产品,并对 其后 处理的方法进行了改进。

  • This synthetic strategy compared with traditional solution protocol has advantages of no organic solvent pollution elevating reaction rate high yield and simple work-up procedure .

    该法与传统的溶液法相比较具有无有机溶剂污染、反应速度快、产率高和 处理简单 诸多 优点

  • The effects of solvents alkaline molar ratio of the reactants temperature and work-up methods on the reaction were investigated .

    考察了溶剂、碱、投料比、温度以及 处理方法等对反应结果的影响。

  • Interventional Management of Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis Caused by Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices .

    Cockett综合征伴下肢深静脉血栓的治疗进一步 检测发现门脉高压伴食道静脉曲张。

  • This protocol has advantages of short reaction time no corrosion no environmental pollution and simple work-up procedure . 3 .

    该方法具有反应时间短、无腐蚀、无环境污染和操作方便的 优点

  • Compared to the reported methods the main advantage of the present procedure is simple work-up procedure shorter reaction time and higher yield .

    与文献报道的方法相比, 处理操作简单、反应时间缩短、反应 产率提高。

  • The study of work-up process indicated that toluene methanol cyclohexane acetone and the recovered mixture of methanol and water were suitable solvents for the purification of the products after neutralization and washing with water .

    对于 中和处理方式的研究表明:在产品中和、水洗后,采用甲苯、甲醇、环己烷、丙酮、反应 馏分 溶剂对产品进行热萃取可以纯化产品;

  • Conclusion VDP and R can be used in monitoring access function but there is some limitation in detecting access dysfunction . Further work-up showed portal hypertension with esophageal varices .

    结论动态透析静脉压和通路再循环率虽能用于监测通路功能,但有一定的局限性;进一步 检测发现门脉高压伴食道静脉曲张。

  • The advantages of this method are high yield and simple work-up .

    合成路线具有收率高,操作简便的 优点

  • The ammonia compressor is core equipment in the ammonia purification system . Its operation situation directly decides if the system is safely operated in longer work-up period .

    氨压机是氮精制系统的核心设备,其运行工况的优劣直接决定着整个系统 能否长周期安全运行。

  • The doctor 's going to give you a full work-up .

    医生会给你全面 准备的。

  • The reaction was carried out at room temperature with a simple work-up procedure .

    还研究了不同取 代基 甲酮 还原反应过程。

  • Look we 're gonna have to do an entire work-up on you .

    听好,我们现在要对你进行彻底的 检查

  • However she was not willing to undergo any work-up and her medical team noted several inconsistencies in her story .

    但是,这 女士拒绝接受任何 检查,而且她的医疗团队注意到她关于 家族史的 叙述中也有几处自相矛盾的地方。

  • Thus more careful work-up will be needed to assure the reasonableness of corporate guarantee in light of the complexity of the procedure .

    而程序的 规制是复杂的,这需要我们细致的 工作,从而在程序上 最大可能保证公司 对外担保的合理性。

  • This protocol has advantages of short reaction time high yield simple work-up procedure no environmental pollution . 5 .

    该方法具有时间短、 产率高、 处理简单、不污染环境的优点。

  • A clinical study on autogenous repairing of open skull fracture during emergency operation According to the results of the noninvasive work-up 16 patients were referred for open skull operation 10 patients for X-knife and 4 patients for stereotactic operation .

    开放性颅骨缺损急诊术中一次完成自体修复的临床研究 30例患者中16例行 开颅手术,10例X刀治疗,4例立体定向手术。

  • During the work-up of PM you find that he has worsening constipation and watery stools .

    在对 PM 检查期间,你发现他便秘和水样便的情况加重。