work session

[wɚk ˈsɛʃən][wə:k ˈseʃən]


  • A busy work from day to night : daily briefing and sharing session .

    交流团 工作由早到晚:每天出发的简报与晚上的分享

  • Complete your work and when you are finished close your session ( find the logout choice under the System menu ) .

    完成 工作之后,关闭 会话(使用System菜单中的logout菜单项)。

  • In each case an all-nighter a work session of 24 hours or more made all the difference .

    在每一个案例当中,都是 通宵熬夜连续 工作达24小时甚至更久带来了所有的改变。

  • You can use this event to perform any additional work at the start of a session such as setting default session values .

    会话启动时您可以使用此事件执行任何其他 工作,例如设置默认会话值。

  • There are other things that I would still like to work on says Ms Westerfield whose last MDMA-assisted therapeutic session was four years ago .

    “此尚有诸多余事,吾仍喜而为之,” 韦斯特菲尔德女士坦言,其 协助MDMA之上一次疗程已是四载前之往事矣。

  • Sessions will follow a similar format : we will begin with a few minutes of fitness work followed by a skills session and a game .

    活动的形式:学生先 几分钟热身 运动,然后 技术 培训及进行一场足球比赛。

  • If you use the toolbar button to change the setting the change takes place immediately but it only affects the current work session .

    如果使用工具栏按钮更改设置,则更改将立即生效,但仅影响当前 工作 会话

  • The day after a long run hill work or a speed session run extremely easy .

    在经过长距离,跑山或加速跑 之后,第二天采用放松跑。

  • The cache goes away when the unit of work ( session ) is completed .

    该缓存在 工作单元( 会话)完成时消失。

  • His economic idea and practice owned the character of time and nature of keeping forgoing ahead which offered the basis for the focal point of work transferring from county-side to city at the 2nd Plenary Session of the 7th Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party .

    他的经济思想与实践具有时代特点和与时俱进的品格,为党的七届二中 全会决策 工作重心从乡村到城市的转移提供了依据。

  • It wished every success for the work of the session while supporting the statement made by Nigeria on behalf of the African group .

    它希望 会议 工作取得圆满成功,同时还支持尼日利亚代表非洲集团的发言。

  • Extraordinary authority ; an extraordinary achievement ; her extraordinary beauty ; enjoyed extraordinary popularity ; an extraordinary capacity for work ; an extraordinary session of the legislature .

    特权;一个非凡的成就;她惊人的美貌;享有非凡的声望;非凡的 工作能力;立法机构的临时 会议

  • A list of default query processing options is established for the duration of a user 's work session .

    将针对用户 工作 会话的持续时间,建立一个默认查询处理选项的列表。

  • This is an all-night work session .

    这个部门是 通宵 工作的。

  • Effective Mode of Lesson Preparation and Teaching Activity of Histology and Embryology Course The course is structured with one lecture session per week and student presentations to report on their work in one problem session per week .

    组织学与胚胎学教学中备课和授课环节的有效模式探讨这门课的架构是每周讲授一节课,另一节 则由学生上台报告他们的 解题结果。

  • Cookie-based session affinity helps Web applications work with session information in an elegant and efficient fashion .

    基于cookie的会话亲和性帮助Web应用程序高效优雅地 处理 会话信息。

  • Sometimes a unit of work ( UOW ) is started for a user session but the UOW is not committed or rolled back .

    有时一个用户 会话 启动一个 工作单元(UOW),但是UOW不会提交或回滚。

  • Santiago Solari was back at work with the squad after recovering from the flu and did a light session .

    圣地亚哥·拉里在流感痊愈后回到了球队,并且进行了轻微的 训练

  • After a while in the government work report in the second Session of the tenth National People 's congress it was proposed that continuing advancing the reform of rural expenses of taxation and that canceling the agricultural tax in five years .

    时隔不久,在全国人大十届二次 会议政府 工作报告中,又提出要继续推进农村税费改革,从今年起,五年内取消农业税。

  • Nearly after 5 years operation and enforcement the work on opening a session to hear a death penalty case in second instance has acquired an obvious effect however some problems which shall never be neglected also exist at the same time .

    经过近5年的 运作,死刑案件二审 开庭审理取得了明显成效,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题。

  • Work Session on Specific Methodological Issues in Environment Statistics

    环境统计具体方法问题 工作 会议

  • VIP Room Juxian Hall and Siji Hall are suitable for training and work session .

    贵宾厅、贤厅和四季厅等会议室适合举办各类培训、 会议

  • This forum on the principles for the Party 's theoretical work has been in session for some time .

    党的理论 工作 务虚 已经 了一段时间了。

  • The course is structured with one lecture session per week and student presentations to report on their work in one problem session per week .

    这门课的架构是每周讲授一节课,另一节 则由学生上台报告他们的 解题结果。

  • I foresee that things will work out much better if you pay for this session in advance .

    如果你先支付 这次的钱,我可以预见一切事情将会 进行顺利。

  • After this you 'll get a new shell prompt and the shell will work as usual except that it is now a ssh session .

    在这之后,你将得到一个新的壳的 提示符并且可以像以往那样地 工作

  • CPC has assigned the work of the construction of the harmonious society on Third Plenary Session of The Central Committee . The have emphasized that they will construct service government and strengthen social management and public service function .

    党在十六 六中 全会 对构建社会主义和谐社会 作出了全面部署,强调要建设服务型政府,强化社会管理和公共服务职能。

  • These steps also show the tasks required to start the Unit Test feature although this would already be up in a typical work session .

    这些步骤还展示了启动UnitTest特性所需的任务,尽管在典型的 工作 会话中,该特性应该已经启动。