


  • The Australian side turned in a very workmanlike and solid performance .

    澳大利亚一方进行了一场非常 熟练扎实的表演。

  • The script was workmanlike at best .

    这个剧本充其量就是 匠人

  • He did a very workmanlike job on it .

    他这件工作做得非常 漂亮

  • Hers is less workmanlike than the other books and refreshingly unideological .

    她的 不像其它书那般 精巧,并且不涉及意识形态也让人耳目一新。

  • A competent job ; the book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index .

    熟练的工作;这本 书写 熟练,有年 代表、参考书目和索引。

  • Really it 's a workmanlike conference rather than a dramatic one

    会议的确 有板有眼,但谈不上激动人心。

  • Strong workmanlike midfield is his preference as well .


  • EXAMPLE : The uninspired workmanlike performance of the once famous classical pianist disappointed his audience .

    这位从前著名的钢琴家 熟练 工种 一样 乏味表演令观众失望。

  • The team produced a very workmanlike performance .

    这个队技巧表现 十分 熟练