working costs

[化] 工作费用

  • Working quality Control and Economical Analysis of the Costs About Pressure Welding with Electrical Scraps

    电渣压力焊的 施工质量控制与 成本节约分析

  • Mayors are working hard to explain why it takes longer or costs more to start a business in their city than in others in the same country .

    市长们都 极力要说明自己的城市为什么比本国的其他城市开办企业的时间长或者 费用高。

  • It might be funding working capital the marketing costs of a launch or even a personal holiday .

    房地产可能用于 营运资本融资,产品发布营销 成本甚至是个人度假 费用

  • Figure out what distracts you from working and avoid it at all costs .

    找出会分散你注意力的因素,不惜一切 代价避免。

  • The report also argues that the savings delivered by taking time to pursue intelligent shopping strategies means that a woman shopper can save more money than she might make by working after taking into account taxes and costs such as work clothing and childcare needs .

    这份报告还表示,如果考虑到税赋、职场衣物及儿童保育 费用,一位女性购物者花时间去实施“聪明”购物策略可能比自己出去 工作更有钱途。

  • The platform makes full use of information technology to improve the working efficiency and save costs and plays a positive role in the ordinary course of business .

    平台充分利用信息技术提高了 办公效率和节约了 开支,在防雷日常业务中起到了积极作用。

  • According to mine coal silt water warehouse loader in the mine working condition size reduction and lower costs on the premise that we have devised a kind of brake device driven by hydraulic engine .

    根据煤矿水仓淤煤装载机在矿井下的 工况特点,在减小体积,降低 成本的前提下,设计了以液压推动器为驱动的制动装置。

  • Working with commercial ESBs means huge license costs upfront heavy install procedures having to learn a new IDE and having to learn from the documentation available and the after sales consultants .

    使用商业ESB就意味着,前期巨额的许可 费用,繁重的安装过程,不得不学习新的IDE,必须从可用文档和售后咨询那里学习。

  • Intergovernmental Working Group on Overhead Costs

    间接 费用政府间 工作

  • Per-sonnel in the approval process for approval approved approving opinion improve work efficiency reduce working costs .

    在审批过程中审批人员批复审批意见,提高了工作效率、减少了 工作 费用

  • The basic goals of the proposed management mode are to improve work environment raise working efficiency reduce manual labor and working time cut down operational costs and increase revenues .

    把改善工作环境、提高工作效率,减轻员工体力、减少 工作时间、降低运营 成本,增加经营效益作为建构便捷式管理模式的基本目标。

  • Traditional design method comprises analogy graphing and analytical method which would lead to a large amount of calculation of scheme design due to the complexity of working conditions . As a consequence it costs much time and effort to achieve reasonable luffing mechanism using traditional means .

    传统的变幅机构设计方法是将类比法、作图法和解析计算法相结合,但由于高空 作业车计算工况复杂使得方案设计阶段计算量较大,采用传统设计方法要得到合理的变幅机构比较 耗时费力。

  • A major part of working in a product department is managing supply costs and keeping them as low as possible .

    产品部门的 工作主要是控制供应 成本,尽量保持其最小化。

  • Taylor advises people to expect to have eighty-five percent of the expenses they had when they were working . And she says healthcare costs should be a major consideration .

    Taylor建议人们设定退休时的花费是 工作时的85%,医疗 支出是个应重点考虑的问题。

  • Choosing among different column cross-section forms and supporting forms in structural designing of kiln tail would have a great effect on the integral working performances and construction costs .

    在窑尾结构设计中选用不同的框架柱截面形式和支撑形式对窑尾结构整体的 工作性能以及工程 造价都有很大的影响。

  • At the same time the industry is trying to reduce its working inventory of metals to save on financing costs .

    同时,奢侈品行业正 努力减少其库存金属量以节省财务 成本

  • The model incorporates fixed costs of locating RDCs working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at RDCs and transport costs from the suppliers to the RDCs .

    模型中的目标 成本包括:RDC的设立成本、RDC成本、 RDC安全库存 成本以及从RDC到分销商的配送成本四部分。

  • We are working with the hospitals to reduce the costs .

    我们正在与医院 合作以降低 成本

  • Sleep deprivation stress and drinking ― all these health issues reduce the working efficiency of employees and add to national healthcare costs .

    睡眠障碍、压力再加上酗酒&所有这些健康问题将会使员工的 工作效率大打折扣,并增加国民医疗 成本

  • The new working method further reduced production costs .

    新的 操作方法进一步降低了生产 成本

  • The implementation of this system can greatly reduce manual labor improve working efficiency and save resources and costs of the hospital in physical examination .

    系统的实现可以大大减少医院在体检中的手工劳动,提高了 工作效率,节约了资源和 成本

  • To improve working efficiency lower costs and to realize manufacturing automation and scientific management it is crucial to construct the gold auto-burdening rationing system .

    因此,为提高 生产效率、降低 劳动强度和 生产 成本,实现生产自动化、管理科学化,设计开发一套稳定可靠、计量精确的自动配重系统就显得非常迫切了。

  • Meanwhile technologists are working to drive down the costs of DNA sequencing so individual human genomes can routinely be read out on gene chips .

    同时,技术专家们正 着手降低DNA测序 成本,使个人基因组可以在基因芯片上按程序读出。

  • The amelioration of property rights and transaction mechanism may make urban design working canonically and cut down its transaction costs .

    产权制度建设和交易机制的改进有利于规范城市设计的 运作并降低其交易 费用

  • Senator Susan Collins a Maine Republican says she and the other senators are working with the Defense and State Departments to identify costs that could be paid by the Iraqis .

    来自缅因州的共和党参议员柯林斯说,她和其他参议员 正在跟国防部和国务院协商,以便认定哪些 费用可以由伊拉克方面承担。

  • MySpace and Fusion-io recently announced they are working together to reduce costs associated with datacenter operations .

    最近,MySpace与Fusion-io宣布双方 正在共同 努力,减少数据中心的运营 费用

  • From effects of actual application of alternating system of industrial boiler the thesis approaches the imPOrtant role of alternating current frequency convertible governor in energy saving improvement of working environment and reduction of costs as well as a vast range of prospects of its application .

    本文通过交流变频调速器在工业锅炉自动调节系统中的实际应用所产生的效果,阐述了交流变频调速器在节能、改善 工作环境,降低 成本上所起的重要作用及广阔的应用前景。

  • We need to get down to the serious business of working out costs .

    我们该认真 成本算出来了。

  • This method overcomes the difficulty of conveying heavy hoisting equipment shortens construction period raises working efficiency and saves construction costs .

    该方法既解决了大型起重吊装设备调迁困难的问题,同时又可缩短施工工期,提高 工作效率,节约施工 成本,对类似工程施工具有借鉴意义。