work storage

[wɚk ˈstɔrɪdʒ][wə:k ˈstɔ:ridʒ]


  • The two men are working on a broken pump and doing other maintenance work on an outside storage area .

    两位宇航员正在修理一个损坏的泵,还在修理着 存储区域外的其他维修 工作

  • Don 't put your work in cold storage if you can complete it today .

    如果你能把 工作今天 做完,就别拖延。

  • The work of the electron storage ring lattice design and optimization can be divided into two parts : linear lattice design and nonlinear lattice optimization .

    电子 储存环lattice设计与优化 工作可分为线性lattice设计与非线性lattice优化两部分。

  • This paper designs a new average charging and administrating control system of storage batteries in term of the existent problem that charging machine and protection system of battery work only on the whole storage batteries .

    针对 目前充电机及蓄电池保护系统只对整组 蓄电池 进行充电和保护所存在的问题,设计了一种新的均充电管理控制系统。

  • In these operations the majority of the work involved in file storage query access to and so on .

    在这些业务当中,大部分 工作涉及档案的 存放、查询、调阅等。

  • The vast majority of insect pests was S. zeamais control the populations of S. zeamais was the focus of the work in storage experiments especially to the hidden insect .

    粮囤中所占绝大多数的害虫为玉米象,控制玉米象的种群数量是实 实验的 工作重点,尤其是对其隐蔽虫态的处理。

  • Besides the system also designs the work of external storage by the USB interface and it provides the necessary data and research space for the analysing work of the car 's states .

    另外系统还研究了对相关车载信息 USB接口的外 存储设计,为汽车状态的分析工作提供必要数据和研究空间。

  • Under the condition of high dimensionality it converges faster than the common simplex method while its calculating work and storage space required are reduced greatly .

    它的收敛速度在高维情况下优于普通的单纯形法,同时计算 存贮 均大大减少。

  • The companies must also set up internal work structures for file storage screening and deletion which have to be approved by the regulator .

    这些公司还必须建立文档 储存、筛查及删除等内部 作业架构,且须经过监管部门的批准。

  • Many foreign large corporations and research organizations have done a lot of research work in storage managing system based SAN .

    许多大公司和研究机构在基于SAN网络协议的 存储管理系统方面进行了大量的研究 工作,并推出了一些商业化的系统。

  • In the work pane expand the storage group from which you want to remove the public folder database and then click the public folder database that you want to remove .

    工作窗格中,展开要从其中删除公用文件夹数据库的 存储组,再单击要删除的公用文件夹数据库。

  • In the work pane select the storage group in which you want the new mailbox database to be created .

    工作窗格中,选择要在其中创建新邮箱数据库的 存储组。

  • If you want to work with your cloud storage files quickly ;

    如果你要 使用你的云 存储文件迅速;

  • Safety safeguard of ignition work in storage and transportation enterprise of oil port

    石油港口 储运企业用火 作业的安全保障

  • In this work gas storage capacity of methane hydrate in methane / water system and methane / ( water + active carbon ) system was investigated .

    分别测定了甲烷/水和甲烷/(水+活性炭)两种体系中甲烷水合物的 储气量。

  • Normal statistic software performs all of the work such as data storage data preparing statistic calculating and result displaying on one computer pattern .

    一般的统计软件把数据 存储、数据整理、统计计算和结果显示集中单机模式上实现。

  • To meet the needs of cooperative work a storage model for page editing system is designed . By Object-oriented designing methods the communication protocol of layout editing system is designed to achieve synchronization of layout level .

    设计版面编辑系统的 数据 存储模型以适应协同 工作的需要;采用面向对象的方法设计版面编辑系统的通讯协议以实现版面的同步;设计和实现通讯服务器以完成版面数据的交换和管理。

  • Along with the reference material increase the staff work load increases file storage query such as office work and high-efficiency requirements have become increasingly prominent contradictions .

    随着档案资料的增加,工作人员 劳动强度增大,档案资料的 存储、查询等工作与办公高效率的要求矛盾日渐突。

  • Technical Coordination Work for the Production Storage Tanker for BZ 34-2 / 4 Project

    BZ34-2/4生产 储油船技术协调 工作

  • System can work in the storage device management leasing maintenance record the entire process track monitor and provide users with detailed and accurate summary of statistical information and convenient management tools .

    系统可以对设备管理 工作 入库、租用、维修全过程进行记录、跟踪、监控,并为用户提供详细准确的汇总统计信息和便捷的管理手段。

  • Nowadays the work of storage and inventory control has become diversified and complicated so it is quite difficult to dispose by means of the traditional manual mode .

    今天, 仓库 作业和库存控制 作业已多样化、复杂化,靠人工去处理已十分困难。

  • Direct research work on batteries and super-capacitors storage technology .

    负责蓄电池超级 电容器电气特性的 研究

  • Because the access nodes take on the work of information storage and cal (?) ulation and in a particular complexity almost all security problems take place in the access nodes .

    由于访问结点承担着信息 存储和运算 工作,尤为复杂,几乎所有的安全问题都出现在访问结点。

  • The author took part in the design and development work of storage management software in SAN environment . Aim to the needs of online backup and high availability the developers had designed and implemented the File System Online Backup ( FSOBackup ) .

    有幸笔者参与了SAN环境下 存储管理软件的设计与开发 工作,围绕数据在线备份和系统高可用性的要求,设计并实现了文件系统在线备份(FileSystemOnlineBackup&FSOBackup)。

  • Direct research work on energy storage and energy exchange technology . The Study on Key Issues of Voltage Source Converter for Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage System

    负责组织电能 储存及转换技术相关课题的 研究。超导储能装置用电压型变流器关键技术研究

  • As for the especially work condition of high-voltage storage capacitor traditional measurement for leaving factory can not predict the insulation status and life of capacitor .

    由于高压 电容器的特殊 工作条件,传统的出厂试验方法,无法预知电容器的绝缘状态及寿命。

  • The work of this thesis would effectively promote the design manufacture and evaluation work on storage capacitor for further guaranteeing its work capability .

    本论文所 研究将可促进高压 能电容器的设计、制作与评估等多方面的 工作

  • At present in the electric power system operation transaction database system can only do some work like general query storage and ordinary transaction processing . It is difficult to satisfy the mass of data collection and analysis in distributed systems .

    目前电力系统操作型事务处理数据库系统只能完成一般的查询、 存储和普通的事务处理 工作,很难满足对于分布于各个系统中海量数据的汇总处理和决策分析。

  • Having basic facilities for office work storage traffic and communication and being able to provide the operation entities with necessary services ;

    具备基本的 办公仓储、交通、通讯设施,能为经营单位提供必要的服务;

  • After the first stage work of Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station was successfully completed the management mode and method established for the first stage work were investigated and improved to make them more perfect and advanced .

    广州抽水 能电站在圆满完成一期 工程后,从实际出发,对一期工程建立的管理模式、管理方法进行改进,勇于探索使之更完善和发展。