working stress

[ˈwə:kɪŋ strɛs][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ stres]


  • Sociology analysis on the working stress adjustment of college teachers

    高校教师 工作 压力调适的社会学分析

  • A Study on the Relationship between Working Stress Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout of ChongQing Vocational College Teachers

    重庆高职学院教师 工作 压力、工作满意度与职业倦怠的关系研究

  • Lots of fatigue influencing factors on high strength bolts is analyzed in this paper systematically including materials construction processing fixing and working stress .

    本文从材料、构造加工、制作安装及 工作 等四个方面系统地分析了高强螺栓的疲劳影响因素及影响程度。

  • Relationship among Coping Style Social Support and Working Stress of Student Affairs Staff in Higher Education

    高校辅导员应对方式、社会支持与 工作 压力的关系研究

  • There is significant negative correlation between subjective well-being psychological well-being the well-being index and working stress .

    2初中教师主观幸福感、心理幸福感、幸福指数和 工作 压力之间存在显著负相关。

  • Lastly using fatigue reliability design method this paper analyses the crane wheel according to the probability distribution of its working stress and fatigue strength .

    最后,根据起重机车轮的 工作 和疲劳强度的概率分布,采用疲劳可靠性设计方法,对车轮进行了分析计算。

  • The tests prove that the working stress has little effect on the temper embrittlement of the coarse grained region .

    试验还证明, 工作 对粗晶区回火脆性的影响不大。

  • In modern society the interpersonal competition is more and more intensive because of working stress .

    在现代社会中,由 工作 压力所带来的人和人之间的竞争越来越激烈。

  • The measurement of working stress is to measure the actual stress in a working structure component .

    工作 测试就是检测结构构件在使用时的实际应力。

  • Yankee Dryer End Covers Compensated with Sleeved Bar Analysis of Working Stress

    大烘缸端盖用套筒拉杆补偿& 工作 分析

  • This lane rejoins the main road further on . Yankee Dryer End Covers Compensated with Sleeved Bar Analysis of Working Stress

    这条小巷前端与大路相连.大烘缸端盖用套筒拉杆补偿& 工作 分析

  • The working stress of tubular joints of platform structure very closely related to rupture forms of sea ice .

    海冰 作用下,平台管节点构件 承受 与海冰的破坏形式密切相关。

  • Do you have too much working stress ?

    您的 工作 压力大吗?

  • The finite-element design method for low stress numerical simulation was introduced to analyze the working stress of vehicle wheels .

    使用低应力有限元数值模拟的设计方法,分析了车轮 工作时的

  • The parameter values applied in the design of a project should reflect the situation of the project in working stress state .

    对于工程实践而言,用于工程设计的 岩体参数值,应该反映该 岩体工程在 工作 状态下的性状。

  • Study on working stress and relative factor for health supervisors in district level in Guangzhou

    广州市区级卫生监督人员 工作 应激 状况及相关因素研究

  • On the basis of identifying the key factors of business manager 's working stress these factors can be classified into two different dimensions which are called intrinsic stress and extrinsic stress .

    在明确压力结构要素的基础上,管理者的 工作 压力可进一步界分为内源压力和外源压力两类。

  • The major instrument employed by this study is college working stress scale .

    摘要本研究主要测量工具为《大学教师 工作 压力量表》。

  • This value is used to compare the strength of materials but a safety factor is applied when making design calculations to bring the working stress well below the limit of proportionality .

    此值被用来比较材料的强度,但是当设计计算时,要用一个安全系数,使 工作 低于比例限制。

  • The influence factors on the measurement results of working stress of concrete columns were analyzed and it was found that the temperature the water and the vibration were the main influence factors on measurement results .

    对混凝土柱 工作 测试结果的影响因素进行分析,发现钻孔过程中温度、水、振动对测试结果影响较大。

  • Objective To explore the effective management method to relieve nurses ' working stress .

    目的探讨缓解护士 工作 压力的有效护理管理方法。

  • The results show that the stress corrosion is the main failure causing of the bellows expansion joint while the local pit corrosion residual stress and the working stress is the necessary condition .

    结果表明,应力腐蚀是该膨胀节失效的主要原因,而局部的点蚀和残余应力、 工作 是应力腐蚀的必要条件。

  • The dual-dam model shows the operation state of crankshaft by virtue of the correlation between its strength and working stress .

    双堤坝模型从曲轴强度和 工作 之间的关系显示了曲轴的工作状况。

  • The many indefinite exists in the design parameters and influence factors Of the working stress and allowable stress of the roller movable teeth drive .

    滚子活齿传动设计中,在 工作 、许用应力的设计参数和影响因素中存在着许多不确定性。

  • Through test and analysis of working stress on balance beam and lengthwise beam of dozer frame a strength design method and the basis for compiling load spectrum are given in the paper .

    通过对推土机平衡梁和车架纵梁的 工作 测定与分析,掌握了推土机的强度设计方法,为编制载荷谱打下基础。

  • Many people are breaking down these days due to working stress .

    许多人因为 工作 压力而垮了。

  • The crankshaft gears of diesel engine which are interference assembled suffer working stress from the root as well as the original interference assembly stress .

    过盈装配的柴油机曲轴齿轮,其齿根部除承受 工作 外,还要叠加原始过盈装配应力。

  • Minimum wall thickness calculation and analysis of Deepwater Steel Catenary Riser Based on the principles of working stress

    基于 工作 准则的深水钢悬链立管最小壁厚计算分析

  • The invalidation reason of runner is explained based on working stress distribution of runner .

    结合转轮 工作 的分布 状态,解释了混流式水轮机转轮的失效原因。

  • The measured working stress is consistent with the actual strength of the structure .

    实测 工作 与实际结构强度一致;