work-related injury

[经] 因公负伤因工负伤

  • In China the absence of laws and administrative regulations of the specific provisions of workers compensation in tort law can get a work-related injury treatment or after treatment can get a work-related injuries continue to be a civil tort judicial practice has been a controversial issue .

    在我国,由于没有法律、行政法规的明确规定,劳动者在民事侵权赔偿后能否依法享受 工伤待遇或者享受工伤待遇后能否继续得到民事侵权赔偿,一直是司法实践中争议的问题。

  • Work-related Injury Procedure is a series of progresses that deal with Work-related Injury .

    工伤 事故处理程序,就是对发生的工伤事故进行处理的一系列程序。

  • Where an employee works concurrently in two or more working entities each working entity shall pay work-related injury insurance fees for the employee respectively .

    职工在两个或两个以上用人单位同时就业的,各用人单位应当分别为职工缴纳 工伤保险费。

  • Before the establishment of the work-related injury insurance system the court usually referees work-related injury cases as ordinary civil infringement ones .


  • Then the article also research some other countries ' work-related injury rehabilitation system contains Germany the United Kingdom the United States South Korea and Japan . And then summary their experience .

    然后,文章又对德国、英国、美国、韩国和日本等国家的 工伤康复制度进行了深入的研究,并归纳总结出对我国 工伤 康复制度发展的借鉴之处。

  • Significance of work-related injury insurance listing in fees

    工伤保险费 明示列入规费的意义 浅析

  • The work-related injury caused by the third party infringement belongs to legal relations that is social insurance law and civil infringement indemnification .

    第三人侵权情况下的 工伤 事故,涉及社会保险法和民事侵权赔偿两个法律关系调整。

  • In modern industrial society the incidence of Work-related Injury is increasing every day .

    在现代工业社会, 工伤 事故的发生率与日俱增。

  • Can alcoholism as a consequence of drinking with clients be deemed a work-related injury ?

    陪客户喝酒,酒精中毒,是否属于 工伤

  • The Real Plight and the Path Selection of Development of Our Country 's Work-Related Injury Rehabilitation System

    我国 工伤康复制度的现实困境与发展路径选择

  • Type 2 of injury for work-related injury the occurrence rate of 16.24 % .

    Ⅱ类伤害为 工作 相关性 损伤,发生率为16.53%。

  • In the event of work-related injury strictly occupational risk factors for the effective identification and management should be taken to strengthen the protection of occupational risk factors to reduce the incidence of occupational diseases .

    员工 发生 工作 相关性 损伤时, 医院 相关 部门应严格进行职业危险因素的有效识别和管理,加强职业危险因素的防护,减少疾病发生。

  • Disability caused by work-related injury or occupational disease ;


  • In generally sense beside what described above Work-related Injury Procedure also include work-related injury prevention and rehabilitation .

    从广义的角度来讲, 工伤 事故处理程序是指在上述所讲程序之外,还应该包括工伤预防和工伤康复的过程。

  • However due to the imperfections of our policies and regulations . Work-related injury insurance especially the approaches and methods in work-related injury insurance of civil compensation cases are still many problems in the social insurance agency .

    但由于我国政策法规的不完善, 工伤保险特别是其中的工伤保险民事赔偿案件在社会保险经办机构的经办工作中的处理方式方法还存在较多的问题。

  • In practice there are a large number of uninsured workers when they are confronted with work-related injury accidents the process of claiming to employers or thirds is long and arduous .

    实践中,存在大量的未参保职工,当他们遭遇 工伤事故时,其向用人单位或第三人请求赔偿的过程漫长而艰辛。

  • In chatting he told me that his father died from a work-related injury his mother was deeply sad .

    在聊天中,他告诉我他的父亲因为 工伤去世了,他妈妈极度伤心。

  • Work-related Injury refers to physical damage to workers from industrial accident in working hours and occupational diseases .

    工伤事故是指职工在工作时间 内因意外事件或 职业病 成人身伤亡事故的总称。

  • As the core of the social security system social insurance includes old-age insurance unemployment insurance medical insurance work-related injury insurance and maternity insurance .

    社会保障系统的核心是社会保险,这包括了老年保险,失业吧保险,医疗保险, 工伤保险,生育保险。

  • The Lack of System in the Coverage of Work-related Injury Insurance and Ways for Improvement


  • Maritime traffic accident rescue fund is the most important in practice work-related injury insurance basic medical insurance system has played a supporting role and description of the theory and practice of public interest litigation there to be explored further .

    水上交通事故救助基金在实践中最为重要, 工伤保险、基本医疗保险制度起到了辅助作用,说明我国公益诉讼的理论与实践还有待进一步探索。

  • In this sample we use a multi-page form named EMPLOYER 'S REPORT OF WORK-RELATED INJURY / ILLNESS-State of New York-Workers'Compensation Board - we refer to it below as the C2 form .

    在此例中,我们使用一个命名为“关于 工伤/病的雇主报告纽约州劳工赔偿局”的多页表格-以下文简称C2表格。

  • It is the core of work-related injury insurance system .

    它是 工伤保险法律体系的核心内容。

  • Compensation for work-related injury is one of the most pragmatic issues in accordance with the Law of Labor and the Law of Social Security .


  • Analysis of fund of work-related injury insurance legal basis for the advance payment system is the basis of the concrete system design ensuring that the system design conforming to the legislative original intention .

    在理论分析方面,本文 重点分析了 工伤保险先行支付制度的法理基础和制度属性。法理探讨是进行具体制度设计的基础,有助于制度设计与立法初衷保持一致。

  • Well when compensation for work-related injury insurance and tort damages competing how selective application which not only affect the injured workers awarded rights and fairness but also directly affect the authority of the law .

    那么,当 工伤保险赔偿与侵权损害赔偿竞合时,该如何进行选择适用,这不但影响受伤劳动者获赔权利及公平性,还直接影响法律的权威性。

  • The first part of this paper briefly cardings the legal provisions of China from the perspective of the legal history of work-related injury domestically and abroad .

    文章首先回顾了 工伤法律历史沿革,从历史和国内外的视角梳理了我国 工伤 相关法律规定。

  • A South Korean woman who suffered repeated sexual harassment at work will be awarded compensation the state workers ' welfare agency said in a landmark ruling which acknowledged her suffering amounted to a work-related injury .

    韩国职工补偿和福利服务机构近日决定,将赔偿一名在工作期间频遭性骚扰的韩国女职员,这个标志性的裁决认定她的遭遇相当于 工伤

  • With enforcement of the new revision of the byelaw of work-related injury insurance and newly issued social insurance law the welfare benefits of the work-related injury insurance have drawn considerable public attention .

    伴随着新修订的《 工伤保险条例》和新颁布的《社会保险法》的实施,以工伤保险待遇为代表的工伤保险制度又一次引起了社会的广泛关注。