


  • Telophase is roughly the reverse of prophase .


  • The nuclei at telophase II were arranged to two poles each pole contained two nuclei or to three poles one of which contained two nuclei the other two contained one nucleus respectively ;

    末期 n 个子核呈两极分布,每极两核,或呈三极分布,其中一极两核,另两极单核;

  • The Study of Telophase Enucleation Method in YanBian Yellow Cattle Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer


  • Application value of hemofiltration on patients with neuropsychic symptoms in telophase of uraemia

    血液滤过在伴神经精神症状 末期尿毒症患者中应用价值的探讨

  • There were micronucleus at telophase in another pollen mother cells .

    另一些花粉母细胞在 末期 具有微核。

  • Because of the rising living standard and aging social the rising ratio of DN in telophase renal failure would occur in china .

    随着生活水平的提高及老龄化社会的 到来,在我国糖尿病肾病 导致 末期肾功能衰竭的比率 同样越来越高。

  • The NYHA grade of cordis function heart rate blast-off blood fraction of the left ventricle diameter of the left ventricle in stretching telophase and the percentage of heart to chest circumference inspected by X ray were checked before and after the treatment .

    比较两组治疗前后心功能分级、心率、左室射血分数、左室舒张 末期内径、X线胸片心胸比率。

  • In America DN is the first cause in telophase renal failure .

    统计,在美国,糖尿病肾病是 末期肾功能衰竭的首位病因。

  • Background : The peak bone mass ( PBM ) is the most mass in telophase of mature stage of human . It is a period that bone is the most solidest which has the most bone mineral content .

    背景:峰值骨量是指个体成熟期末期达到的最大骨量,是人一生 中骨最坚硬、骨矿含量最高的时期。

  • Cell plate A structure that appears in late anaphase in dividing plant cells and is involved in formation of a new cell wall at the telophase stage of mitosis .

    细胞板:植物细胞分裂晚后期出现的一种结构,它和有丝分裂 末期新细胞壁的形成有关。

  • The six chromosomes appearing as 3 bivalents probably from O. violaceus were totally lost or partially included in telophase nuclei and also passed to only one pole at anaphase I.

    来自诸葛菜的6条染色体可被全部丢失或部分进入 末期核,也可在后期Ⅰ运动至细胞一极。

  • At the stage of primary spermatocyte the cell morphology changed dramatically from prophase I to telophase I.

    在初级精母细胞阶段,前期Ⅰ至 末期Ⅰ的细胞形态变化明显。

  • Aurora A is localized at the spindle poles from prophase to telophase and has emerged as a critical factor in the assembly of the mitotic spindle .

    AuroraA从有丝分裂的前期到 末期 定位在 中心体上,对纺锤体的装配起着重要作用。

  • Although in anaphase ⅰ telophase ⅰ and anaphase ⅱ there are some abnormal chromosome behaviors occurred the whole process is basically normal .

    后期Ⅰ, 末期Ⅰ和后期Ⅱ均 观察 少量染色体异常行为的发生,但整个过程基本正常。

  • The region containing residues 256-291 is essential for centrosomal localization . Aurora A is localized at the spindle poles from prophase to telophase and has emerged as a critical factor in the assembly of the mitotic spindle .

    Nudel的256-291的这段氨基酸序列对于它定位到中心体上是必需的。AuroraA从有丝分裂的前期到 末期 定位在中心体上,对纺锤体的装配起着重要作用。

  • During the metaphase ⅰ to telophase ⅱ the starch grains aggregate gradually toward the equatorial region which forms at the metaphase - ⅰ ⅱ .

    中期Ⅰ至 末期Ⅱ,淀粉粒逐渐向中期Ⅰ,Ⅱ所形成的赤道区处聚集。

  • But ( Fv / Fo ) and ( Fv / Fm ) had little difference between prophase and metaphase of grain filling and then reduced rapidly in telophase of grain filling .

    Fv/Fo、Fv/Fm在灌浆中、前期差异不大,而在灌浆 末期迅速降低。

  • During anaphase ⅱ and telophase ⅱ chromosome segregations were not synchronous and equal .

    后期Ⅱ和 末期Ⅱ还出现染色体分离不同步及不等 分裂的现象;

  • In telophase a cell wall is produced by the development of a phragmoplast and a cell-plate . Pollen turn into 2-cells a generative one and a vegetative one .

    分裂 末期经成膜体、细胞板产生细胞壁,形成2&细胞花粉。

  • In telophase the cell was divided into two secondary spermatocytes .


  • The results show that there is a transfer of the antigen at the time between telophase and interphase .

    结果显示,在 末期和间期之间存在一个 基质抗原 细胞质 细胞核内转移的过程。

  • It was mainly because of the abnormal meiosis of the pollen mother cells . During meiosis telophase ⅱ pollen mother cells with 5 ~ 9 nucleus were observed .

    导致花粉败育的主要因素是由于花粉母细胞的不正常减数分裂, 致使末期 出现 多于4核的大小不一的多核现象。

  • The Hero Orientation of Han Dynasty Telophase Heroical Biography by New Sentence

    《汉 英雄记》:新语境下的英雄定位

  • The reservoir time are decided by inclusion body homogeneity temperature and terrestrial heat history the time is the telophase of the Cretaceous period the reservoir time and tectonic movement is accordant .

    利用 烃类流体包裹体均一温度并 结合盆地 东部的地热史, 厘定千峰 气藏成藏时间为 晚白垩世,这与盆地整体向西倾斜、地层大量 剥蚀的时间基本上是一致的。

  • The results showed that the intracellular DNA content at prophase or telophase was twice as much as at interphase .

    结果表明: 分裂前期、 分裂 末期细胞内DNA的含量比间期细胞 增加一倍;

  • By using this method we can calculate the original stratum thickness and lithologic proportion in every sedimentary telophase based on nowadays stratum thickness lithologic proportion abnormal compaction and salt thickness which is very important to embedding history analysis and tectonic evolvement analysis in salt basin .

    根据岩层现今厚度、岩性、剥蚀厚度、异常压实及盐层厚度的变化,计算各地层 时代 末期的古厚度。这将为准确进行盐湖盆地埋藏史分析,构造演化分析提供重要途径。

  • According to the observation of meiosis II telophase tetrad of Chinese fir the meiosis of tetrad is single plane the division mode of cytoplast is simultaneous .

    根据对杉木 末期Ⅱ四分体的观察,杉木四分体分裂方式主要是单平面分裂方式,其胞质分裂方式为同时型。

  • The nucleus is egg-shaped . PMCs yielded more nucleoli at telophase ⅱ .

    细胞核卵圆形。 后期Ⅱ的花粉母细胞可形成较多的核仁。

  • Analysis Integrated TCM WM Therapy for Neuropsychic Symptoms of Uraemia in Telophase
