temperature condition

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr kənˈdɪʃən][ˈtempəritʃə kənˈdiʃən]

[计] 温度条件

  • This article analyzed the relationship between the resting position of pigs and thermal environment compared them bio-bed and concrete ground under high temperature condition .

    在夏季 高温 条件 ,剖析了生长猪在发酵床和水泥地面上的休息姿势的变化与温热环境的关系。

  • In high temperature condition ( such as160 ℃) the anti-oxidation of TBHQ is not good while microcapsule antioxidant is more effective in this condition .

    高温 环境中(如160℃),TBHQ抗氧化效果不好,要使用微胶囊抗氧剂才能获得较好效果。

  • Above research can provide regulations to solve problem of ventilation to cooling of power transformer room in high temperature condition .

    此研究结果可为解决 高温 气候 条件 变压器室通风降温问题提供依据。

  • The intensity of light played a leading role to the growth of cucumber under the lower temperature condition .

    在偏 低温 条件 ,光照强度对黄瓜的生长起主导作用。

  • Responses of primary photochemical reactions in apple fruit peel to the changes of incident PFD and air temperature in sunny days The intensity of light played a leading role to the growth of cucumber under the lower temperature condition .

    晴天条件下光、温变化对苹果绿色果皮原初光化学反应的影响在偏 低温 条件下,光照强度对黄瓜的生长起主导作用。

  • Experimental study on cold storage and controlled atmosphere storage of water Bamboos under room temperature condition

    茭白冷藏和 室温 气调贮藏实验研究

  • The Change of Photosynthesis in Tomato Leaves under Short-term Daytime Sub-high Temperature Condition and Its Response to the Regulation of Calcium and Salicylic

    短期昼间亚 高温 胁迫下番茄叶片光合作用的变化及其对钙与水杨酸调控的响应

  • The test result indicates that this epoxy resin material has a better mechanical relaxation behavior under a lower temperature condition .

    试验结果表明该环氧修补材料在 低温 情况 具有较好的力学松弛性能。

  • Effects of Different Preservative on Storage Property of Peach Beijing No.33 under High Humidity and Low Temperature Condition

    不同保鲜剂与高 湿冷 条件对北京33号桃果实保鲜效果的影响

  • A study on drought monitoring based on the vegetation temperature condition index

    基于 条件植被 温度指数的干旱监测研究

  • Also may let you act according to the different craft joins the different chemicals in the specific temperature and under the temperature condition .

    也可以让您根据不同的工艺,在特定温度及 温度 条件 加入不同的药料。

  • In the incubation process the advantageous moisture content and the temperature condition promoted soil microorganism 's activity and strengthened inorganic phosphorus fixation by microorganisms .

    培养过程中,水分和 温度的有利 条件促进了土壤微生物的活动,加强了微生物对无机磷的固定。

  • The Design and Research of the Hydraulic Integration Testing Equipment in the High Temperature Condition

    高温液压综合测试装置的设计与研究 高温高压液压脉动综合性能试验台的设计

  • Alters that a high temperature condition has occurred and shuts down heater .

    改变出现的 高温 环境,并且关闭热水炉。

  • Performance research of solar assistant air source heat pump in low temperature condition

    太阳能辅助空气源热泵 空调 低温特性研究

  • Therefore it is considered that our temperature condition for rice activates photosynthetic activities at vegetative stage and translocation of photosynthate at reproductive stage .

    因此认为,韩国的 温度 条件刺激水稻营养生长期的光合作用和生殖生长期光合产物的转运。

  • The possible mechanisms of population inversion under the average high temperature condition has been analysed .

    分析了可能导致 高温 条件下粒子数反转的机制。

  • Proposed that the improvement broaden roadbed water temperature condition 's measure to widen the roadbed the design to provide certain technical guidance .

    提出改善加宽路基 水温 状态的措施,为加宽路基的设计提供一定的技术指导。

  • We have observed the regular change of absorption edge in different bias voltage and temperature condition .

    在实验上我们观察到了在不同的偏压和 温度 ,锗硅低维量子结构的带间吸收边的谱线发生了有规律的变化。

  • A Method for Calculating Respiration Rate of Cold-stored Fruit Using Data Measured under Room Temperature Condition

    利用在 室温 的测定数据计算冷藏果实呼吸速率的方法探讨

  • Thermal Decomposition Characteristics of Gram-level AP under the Constant Temperature Condition of 170 ℃

    170℃ 恒温 条件下克级高氯酸铵的热分解特性

  • Critical length of dynamic stability of steel structure members in high temperature condition


  • The properties of the resistance to thermal shock at the high or low temperature condition were studied .

    分别对高温和 低温 深冷 条件 ,两种不同结构材料的抗热震损伤性能进行了研究。

  • The representative area of dry and hot valley of Jinsha River in Yunnan Province has a temperature condition of the northern tropical zone and a long dry season of more than half a year .

    云南金沙江干热河谷典型区具有北热带 温度 条件和长达半年以上的干季时间,生态系统具有破坏容易恢复难的特点。

  • The results show that this package material has advantages to start the anoxic bio-filter fast under low temperature condition .

    提要研究了酶促生物填料在较低 温度 条件 的缺氧挂膜。

  • Surface active agents & Method of testing of the migration action of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature condition

    GB/T9292-1988表面活性剂 高温 条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用匀染剂的移染性测试法

  • Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steel in Autoclave Containing Acetic Acid Solution Under High Pressure and Temperature Condition

    不锈钢在 高温高压釜乙酸溶液中耐腐蚀性能研究

  • The gravityflooded evaporator has much better heat transfer characteristics and efficiency without additional energy consumption under the low temperature condition .

    并且在 低温 工况 ,重力供液的蒸发器比直接膨胀供液的蒸发器有更佳的传热特性与传热效率,并不增加附加能耗。