tempering water

[机] 调质水分

  • Cause of and solution to tempering water quick-open valve defect


  • When I am tempering a piece of steel I first beat it hammer it and then suddenly plunge it into this bucket of cold water .

    当我 锻炼钢铁的时侯,我先把它在 ,然后用铁锤锤它,又忽然把它投入一桶 冷水中。

  • Through experiment and comparison of changes of flour yield of clean wheat and percentage of good flour under different tempering methods water content and time relevant basis was provided for determination of tempering scheme in processing .

    通过试验,对照不同 方式、 水分、润麦时间下,小麦净麦出粉率、好粉出率的变化情况,为加工过程中润麦方案的确定提供相关依据。

  • Series Experiment 2 for Determination of Single Cereal-Analysis on Effect of Changes of Tempering Methods Water Content and Time on Flour Yield of Wheat

    单颗粒谷物测定系列试验(二)& 麦方式、润麦 水分、时间变化对小麦出粉率的影响分析

  • The principle of wheat tempering water quantity to be added water absorption rate and penetrating speed ;

    小麦 水分 调节的理论、 加水量、吸水率和渗透速度;

  • Application of Tempering Water System in Melamine Production


  • A tempering valve can be installed in the domestic hot water line as shown in Figure 2 .

    建议在家庭 热水管线上如图2所示安装 调节阀。

  • Effect of tempering with ozone water on the microorganism and quality properties of wheat flour and its by-products

    臭氧 对小麦粉及其副产物中微生物和品质指标的影响

  • For same quenching temperature and tempering process the mechanical properties are easier to control by water quenching than by air quenching ;

    在相同的淬火温度和 回火工艺下,采用 淬较空冷更容易实现对力学性能的控制;