

n.庙,寺耶路撒冷古神殿[犹太教] 犹太教聚会太阳穴

  • Threads of silver ran through his beard and the hair at his temples .

    他的胡须和 鬓发 夹杂缕缕 银丝

  • The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha

    这处 庙宇最引人注目的是一座为纪念佛陀而修建的宏伟的大理石塔。

  • They fanned out and carefully combed the temple grounds .

    他们呈扇形散开,在 寺庙周围仔细搜寻。

  • We go to the Confucius Temple and enjoy various lanterns there every year on Lantern festival .

    我们每年元宵节都到夫子 逛花灯。

  • They buried their son 's relics in a temple .

    他们在一个 庙宇 埋葬了儿子的遗物。

  • Much of the temple was ruined but the front was whole as well as a large hall behind it


  • At Temple station Charlotte rushed into the Ladies .

    一到 坦普尔站,夏洛特立即冲进了女厕所。

  • The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique .


  • He had a reddening welt on his temple and his nose was bleeding .

    太阳穴 有块红肿,鼻子也在流血。

  • The temple of Diana and the hanging gardens of Babylon were two of the seven wonders of the world in ancient times .

    狄安娜 神殿和巴比伦空中花园名列古代世界七大奇观之中。

  • She caught a clear view upwards of the spotlit temple .

    她抬头清楚地看到了被聚光灯照得通明的 寺庙

  • There are three Buddhas in the main hall of the temple .


  • There used to be a temple here .


  • Many years later the temple erected in her name was used to house the Roman mint .

    多年后,以她的名义建造的 寺庙被改造成了罗马铸币厂。

  • No one carrying arms is allowed within the precincts of a temple .

    携带武器者不得进入 神殿的界域。

  • We visited the ruins of the temple .

    我们参观了那个 庙宇的遗迹。

  • After the fire nothing remained of the magnificent buildings of the temple .

    大火过后, 寺院 的那些雄伟建筑已荡然无存。

  • There is an old temple at the top of the mountain .

    此山之顶有一 古庙

  • On the extreme northwestern outskirts of the city stands the Buddhist temple .

    那所佛教 寺院位于市郊的最西北角。

  • We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight .

    我们去了亚特兰蒂斯 神殿,在月光下游览了一番。

  • St Paul speaks of the body as the ' temple of the Holy Spirit ' .

    圣保罗把身体描述为“ 圣神的宫殿”。

  • Devotees often come to this temple to worship .


  • The temple of heaven was magnificently decked out for the festive occasion .

    节日的 天坛打扮得格外壮丽。

  • They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery

    他们建立起一座为淫秽活动作掩护的假 寺庙

  • Years passed and still carrying her buddha the nun came to live in a small temple in a country where there were many buddhas each one with its own particular shrine .

    过了好些年,尼姑带着佛像来到乡间一座小 落户。庵里供着许多佛,每尊佛像都有自己的龛位。

  • No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat .

    谁进得龙王 不捏一把冷汗?

  • He was however allowed to stay on at the temple as long as he restricted himself to his studies

    然而,只要他专心学习,他就可以继续留在 寺庙

  • The Indian temple is an incongruous sight in the Welsh border country .

    坐落在威尔士边界乡村里的印度 庙宇看上去相当突兀。

  • I will destroy the carved images and cast idols that are in the temple of your gods .

    我必从你神的 中,除灭雕刻的偶像,和铸造的偶像。

  • Let 's go to the temple fair and have some fun .

    咱们上 庙会看热闹去吧。