temperature selector

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr sɪˈlɛktɚ][ˈtempəritʃə siˈlektə]


  • In its digital processing circuit clock chip with high precision and temperature compensation is uesd as reference clock . High frequency reversible counter is used to count trimmed impulse signal forward or backward and two pathes SAW signals are selected timely by multichannel selector .

    数字信号处理电路采用高精度、具有 温度补偿的时钟芯片作为基准时钟,采用高频可逆计数器对整形后的脉冲信号进行正向或逆向计数,采用高性能的多路 选择器控制两路SAW信号的定时选择。