temperature sense

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr sɛns][ˈtempəritʃə sens]


  • The heat index is introduced into short term electric load forecasting . It is the statistic result of biometeorology which reflects the effect of air temperature and air relative humidity on man 's sense .

    就电力负荷短期预测工作引入热指数指标,它来源于生物气象学的统计结果,是人体 感受 气温和空气相对湿度综合作用的一组统计数据。

  • The high precision temperature control is very important in the modern precision measurement system ; therefore the research of high precision temperature control makes lots of sense .

    高精度 温度控制对于现代精密测量系统来说具有基础性的重要地位,为此研究一种有效的高精度温度控制系统就具有重大 意义

  • A fully differential CMOS switched-capacitor integrator for temperature sense IC is proposed and analyzed .

    设计了一种应用于 温度 传感芯片的全差分开关电容积分器。

  • It is discovered that there is a most favored temperature for annealing crystals in removal of residual stress This temperature is Below the one in the sense of ordinary heat processing .

    我们发现为消除残余应力存在一个最佳的退火温度;该 温度低于 通常的退火温度。

  • Based on experimental studies and numerical simulations of gas solid two phase flow fields as well as of temperature fields of guide plate type burners the paper evolves some consequential empirical formulae which are in a certain sense instructive for the popularization of this kind of burner .

    该文对导流板式燃烧器的气固两相流动、 温度场进行了试验研究和数值模拟,得出了一些有意义的经验公式,对该燃烧器的推广应用具有一定的指导 意义

  • On the high-load condition of Modern Heavy Duty Diesel Engine the max compression pressure is more than 10MPa ; temperature is greater than 1000K ; and the traditional sense of the ignition delay is only 100 μА .

    现代高强化柴油机在高负荷时,压缩终点的压力超过10MPa, 温度超过1000K,传统 意义 的着火滞燃期只有100μS左右。

  • After 1 to 5 years follow-up the appearance of tissue flap were satisfactory the pain temperature and tactile sense were recovered the functions of the injured feet were recovered well .

    随访1~5年,皮瓣外观良好, 功能恢复满意。

  • The improved immune algorithm is applied in optimization of PID parameters of boiler vapor temperature . The methods have preferably general sense and precision .

    在锅炉蒸汽 温度的PID参数优化过程中使用改进的免疫遗传算法,得到的结果具有良好的通用 和精确度。

  • Under low temperature stress plant growth or the levels of malondialdehyde and proline did not show visible difference among sense or anti-sense transgenic and non-transgenic plants .

    低温胁迫条件下,转 正义基因株系、转反 基因株系、未转基因对照的生长状况,体内丙二醛含量和脯氨酸含量等无显著性差异。

  • However scientists fear that the expected lull in temperature rises may dispel any sense of urgency in tackling global warming and provide ammunition for climate change sceptics .

    但科学家们担心,预期中 气温暂停上升可能消除应对全球变暖问题的紧迫 ,并为对气候变化持怀疑态度的人士提供抨击的论据。

  • Fire control system : oke temperature sense dampers and other series ;

    消防控制系统:烟 ,防火阀等系列;

  • Both the temperature difference and the relative motion of the compensation piece in relation to the magnetic needle are equivalent in effect to the volume variation of the alloy piece in sense of compensation . These are named the volume effect in the paper .

    文中指出,这种 温度差别和补偿片在 磁针位置上的移动两者在补偿效果 均等效于合金片的体积变化,称之为体积效应。

  • Ventilated can drop the temperature of the residence and workshop reduce the person oppressive sense to heat .

    透风可以把住房及车间的 温度下降,减弱人对热的压制

  • Now the pebble bed reactor has the same basic safety features as a high temperature prismatic reactor in a sense that it has a meltdown free core .

    现在,卵石层反应堆有相同的基本,安全特征和 高温棱柱反应堆 一样,因为它有一个熔化的核心。

  • TASTE acts as the source to map onto the TEMPERATURE which to some extent reflects that TASTE is a more concrete sense than TEMPERATURE for people . ( 3 ) The use of temperature words of cold sensation and heat sensation is rather distinct in Song Lyrics .

    而味觉是作为源域投射到 温度域,从某种程度上说明相对于温觉人们对 味觉 感知更具体。3.冷觉温度词和热觉温度词在宋词中的使用存在较大差异。

  • The system is made up of the high speed MCU C8051F020 temperature sense module power module data transfer module and LCD module .

    温度测控系统由 C8051F020、电源、数据电平转换及显示接口等芯片组成。

  • The fiber optic distributed temperature sensor system can sense the change of temperature along the optical fiber by the form of continuous function of distance .

    分布式光纤 温度测量系统能在整条光纤的长度 ,以距离的连续函数形式 传感出被 温度随光纤长度方向的变化。

  • When we return no unit temperature difference of generator layer 's workaround to original temperature only delivering cool air ( 13 to 15 Celsius ) can fulfill the requests of generator layer 's workaround in the strict sense .

    将发电机层工作区的无因次温差还原为原型 温度时,严格地 只有送冷风(13℃~15℃)才能保证其工作区的 温度分布要求;

  • Through temperature survey and geophysical and geochemical remote sense information analysis it is regarded that there is a SN-NE geothermal abnormal belt in Yuncheng county .

    通过 地温调查及物化 遥感勘探资料的分析,推断郓城县城区存在一SW&NE向的地热异常带。

  • If canopy temperature can be estimated with using remote sense data water stress factor based on the canopy temperature can be introduced into crop simulation model to continually simulate the actual rate of crop growth and yield prediction .

    遥感信息估算作物冠层 温度并且利用气象站的 气温资料,通过冠气温差计算作物水分胁迫系数,并引入作物生长模拟模型,就实现动态和连续的作物监测及预报作物产量。

  • Conclusion Injection of local anesthetic solution with body temperature can improve the threshold of sense of pain and release pain during surgery .

    结论将局麻药液加温至 体温进行手术局部注射,可以提高疼痛阈值,减轻患者的 痛觉

  • The optimum parameter of the WE 2102A multifunctional microwave apparatus in sudden deafness therapy was : output power of 80 90W temperature control in 40 41 ℃ based on the subjective sense of the patients'warm sense of the ear .

    采用WE2102A多功能微波机治疗突发性聋的最佳参数为输出功率80~90W, 测温40~41℃。剂量参照患者的主观 感觉以耳温热量为度。

  • Studies on the types of temperature determination and laws of sense temperature changes with industrial contact way

    工业接触法 测温类型及其 温变化规律的研究

  • It can 't be neglected that the influence of the temperature to the humidity sense organ .

    湿 元件受 温度的影响不能忽略。

  • Fabrics with high moisture absorption i.e. with high moisture regain in high temperature environment block evaporation of perspiration and directly influence the comfortable sense of human body . This result conforms to the test result with dynamic heat-moisture property tester for fabric .

    结果表明, 高温环境中吸湿能力强即回潮率大的织物阻碍了汗液的蒸发,将直接影响人体的舒适 感觉,与织物动态热湿舒适性能测试仪的测试结果是一致的。

  • In the paper the double matched fiber optical grating demodulation system is designed which is adopts SCM as the core of signal manage system and use stepping motor to tune matching grating to achieve the demodulation of temperature and stress which is sense by sensor .

    本文所设计的双光栅匹配解调系统以单片机为核心进行信号处理,采用步进电机对匹配光栅进行调谐,实现对 温度、压力等 传感信号的解调。

  • Know about the temperature and the sense of hot and cold .

    学习 了解冷热 温度的不同。

  • Realization of pressure and temperature sense in prosthetic arms

    假手的压力与 冷热 感觉的实现