temporal orientation

[ˈtɛmpərəl ˌɔriɛnˈteʃən][ˈtempərəl ˌɔ:rienˈteiʃən]

[医] 时间定向

  • According to the particularity of R D activity there are many differences between International R D investment and FDI as well as similarity . Such as investment intensity temporal order of investment orientation industrial characteristic forming mechanism and so on .

    由于RD活动的特殊性,使得跨国RD投资与FDI在投资强度、投资 时序区位 指向、行业特征与形成机制等方面既有相似性,亦存在诸多差异性。

  • The information per spike and the efficiency of information transmission were correlated with the bandwidth and the temporal dynamics of orientation tuning which were calculated via the information theory method .

    经过应用信息论进行分析表明,单位放电所传递的信息量和信息传递效率同细胞的方位选择性和 方位 选择 动态程度相关。

  • The results indicate those microclimatic factors have different temporal and seasonal variations for different orientation in south and north houses .

    结果表明:南北 朝向房屋的光照强度、地表温度和气温存在显著的 时间和季节变化;

  • Continent Collision Mechanism of Gold Mineralization and Temporal and Spatial Orientation of Gold Mineralized Zone Qinling

    秦岭大陆碰撞金成矿机制与金矿带 时空 定位

  • Objective : To study the relationship of anatomical landmarks of posterior temporal cranial base and gain the orientation for posterior subtemporal transtentorial approach .

    目的:对后颞部进行解剖学研究,为 底-经小脑幕手术入路提供解剖学基础。

  • There are three types of semantic fields can be extracted from these core orientation words : spatial orientation field temporal orientation field order and grade orientation field .

    首先指出这14个核心方位词组成的语义场分三类:空间方位语义场、 时间 方位语义场和顺序等级方位语义场。