temper carbon

[ˈtɛmpɚ ˈkɑrbən][ˈtempə ˈkɑ:bən]


  • It is shown that in a temperature range of reversible temper embrittlement grain boundary segregation of phosphorus is reduced while that of molybdenum is enhanced with the increase of carbon content .

    研究结果表明,在含钼钢中提高 含量可降低在 回火脆温度范围内磷的晶界偏聚,增加钼的晶界偏聚。

  • The effects of quenching temperature cooling pattern temper temperature and temper times on the structure and properties of high carbon and vanadium high speed steel ( HSS ) roll were researched and the optimal heat treatment technical parameters were determined .

    研究了淬火温度、冷却方式、回火温度和 回火次数对高 高钒高速钢轧辊组织和性能的影响,确定了最佳热处理工艺参数。

  • The cause might be that CFB has a higher temper resistance than M. And carbon enriched retained austenite film in CFB with a good thermal stability might improve the toughness of the steel after tempering at intermediate temperature .

    其原因在于中温形成的无碳化物贝氏体具有较高的 回火抗力,而无碳化物贝氏体中的热稳定性较高的富 膜状残余奥氏体使钢呈现较高的韧性。

  • The ranges of temper hardness are given : 4 for carbon steel and 8 for alloy steel .

    给出了常用的 调质硬度范围,普 碳素钢4档,合金钢8档;