temper time

[ˈtɛmpɚ taɪm][ˈtempə taim]


  • One equal temper of heroic hearts Made weak by time and fate but strong in will To strive to seek to find and not to yield .

    英雄的心被 时间和命运 摧残,但是,坚强的意志依然努力抗争、寻找、发现,永不妥协。

  • Will you regret after you lose temper each time ?

    每次 脾气之后,你会后悔吗?

  • Despite his reputation for bad temper he was positively angelic this time .

    尽管他是出名的坏 脾气,但这一 他倒确实温和得像个天使。

  • Suddenly I realized I was used to be a simple guy easily to lose temper and I am sure I hurt my brothers some time .

    意识到自己一直都是一个简单而 易怒的孩子, 过于 冲动有时候的确伤害过兄弟之间的感情。

  • I lost my temper with the girl I met for the first time last night .

    昨天晚上我对第一 见面的女孩 脾气

  • He was about to lose his temper but checked himself in time

    他刚要 发火,不过 及时克制 了。

  • The ideas of general changes not only inherit - ed the traditional Chinese academics but also reflected the academic changes after the mid-Ming Dynasty and the characteristic temper of the time followed by the influx of western learning .

    这种学术上的 通变思想既是中国传统学术的继承,也反映出明中期后学术变化及西学传入 时代特征。

  • Through optimizing the production process changing the temperature of temper stove shorting the time of reheat production capacity is increased .

    通过对 回火炉的工艺进行优化,改变 回火温度,缩短加热 时间,提高了生产能力。

  • Momo lives a regular and happy life these months and seldom makes me lose my temper . I know that he has grown up . I warn myself to respect him at all the time .

    墨墨近几个月生活很规律也很快乐,很少惹我 发火儿,我觉得他长大了, 时时提醒自己要尊重他。

  • You verdant and luxuriant tall and straight grow through the temper of time : every day you greet the rising sun and bathe in the boundless croud and mist .

    你苍郁挺拔,在 岁月 磨练中成长,每日迎着初升的旭日,沐浴着无际的云雾。

  • With the law of large number and temper property a fixed point of market share in the future time can be found when total wealth of market is changeable .

    利用天数定律以及 调和性质,得到了市场总财富发生改变情况下市场份额将来 时刻的不动点。

  • They will also sell the product through network then they will get the watch how to handle the channel distribution issues is other words understanding where they aid is the stable compatible advantage a temper competition advantage in the commodity of time .

    也可以通过网络卖产品,那么将涉及到如何处理分布式换言之,也可以通过网络的帮助的 竞争力,一个有 时间上暂时的竞争力。

  • She is really in bad temper in that time of the month .

    她来例假的 时候 脾气实在太坏了。

  • My temper rose with every word she spoke but I wanted to avoid any kind of show-down for the time being .

    我的 火气随着她说出的每个字在往上升,不过,我 暂时想避免摊牌。

  • In a final burst of bad temper Mr Fang said that his time had been wasted .

    范先生最后一次大 脾气,声称他的 时间完全浪费了。

  • When fast quench and temper cooling speed are adopted at the same time the high impact toughness will be gotten .

    淬火和 回火 同时快冷可以获得较高的冲击韧性。

  • He lost his temper when the secretary failed to arrive at the meeting on time once again .

    当秘书再次未能 按时赶到会场,他 脾气了。