




  • She then stormed out in a temper telling him to ' stick his job ' .

    她接着 怒气冲冲地走了出去,告诉他“去他妈的工作”。

  • I was in a bad temper last night

    昨晚我 心情不好。

  • He was known as Mad Shelley partly because of his eccentricity and partly because of his violent temper

    大家都叫他“疯子谢利”,部分因为他的古怪,部分因为他火爆的 脾气

  • He had to learn to temper his enthusiasm .

    他得学着给自己的热情 降温

  • He 's inherited his father 's explosive temper .

    他遗传了其父暴躁的 脾气

  • In a fit of bad temper Dougie threw the deep fat fryer overboard .

    一气之下, 道吉把那个又深又大的油炸锅扔了。

  • The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper .

    他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是 脾气

  • Difficult circumstances can temper one 's will .

    艰苦的环境能 磨炼人的意志。

  • When I try to explain how I feel he just flies into a temper .

    我刚要解释我心里是怎么想的,他就 勃然大怒

  • His boozing arrogance and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls

    他嗜酒贪杯、狂妄自大且 脾气 暴躁,这常常使他在夜总会和人发生恶性斗殴。

  • He had a terrible temper and sometimes he would completely lose control

    他的 脾气很坏,有时会完全失控。

  • For others especially the young and foolish the state will temper justice with mercy

    对待其他人时,尤其是年轻人和愚蠢的人,国家会 刚柔并济。

  • He 's got that fiery temper which scares the whatsit out of everybody .

    他有一副能把所有人都吓得那个什么滚什么流的火爆 脾气

  • I 've never seen him get cross or lose his temper

    我从未见过他生气或者 发火

  • Mick was stubborn and domineering with a very bad temper

    米克既固执又专横, 脾气还很坏。

  • I have a very short fuse and a violent temper .

    我容易发怒, 脾气 暴躁

  • He curbed his temper

    他稳住了 情绪

  • His hot temper was making it increasingly difficult for others to work with him .

    他的火暴 脾气使得别人越来越难以和他合作。

  • I hope he can control his temper .

    我希望他能克制 自己的 脾气

  • He often loses his temper for nothing .

    他常常无缘无故地 使 性子

  • He has a volatile temper .


  • He was in a very good temper

    他当时 心情非常好。

  • Once he lost his temper and quarreled with us .

    有一次他 发火了,和我们吵了一架。

  • He had a temper and could be nasty


  • Often he teased me till my temper went and I stamped and screamed feeling furiously helpless

    他经常和我开玩笑,直到我 生气地跺脚尖叫,却又无可奈何。

  • He clawed a hole in my shirt in his temper .


  • I lost my temper and banged my book down on the desk .


  • He had an irascible temper .

    他脾气 暴躁

  • She was still in a temper when Colin arrived

    科林到的时候,她 还没有

  • I found in him a congenial temper .

    他是一个和我 意气相投的人。