thermal neutron

[ˈθɚməl ˈnuˌtrɑn][ˈθə:məl ˈnu:ˌtrɔn]


  • Measurement of absolute thermal neutron fluence rate in wide range with muscovite track detector

    白云母迹径探测器测量宽范围的绝对 中子注量率

  • A thermal neutron beam equipment is installed in the miniature neutron source reactor ( MNSR ) zero power facility .

    在微型反应堆零功率装置上搭建了硼中子俘获治疗拟采用的 中子束流装置。

  • The τ spectrum is studied by simulation data to analyze the effect of formation water salinity porosity and oil saturation on the eigen value of thermal neutron life .

    系统研究模拟数据的 中子寿命谱,分析地层水矿化度、孔隙度和饱和度对地层τ本征值的影响。

  • Analysis method of thermal neutron diffraction spectra and its usage


  • Thermal neutron macroscopic absorption cross section


  • In this paper the theoretical calculation formulas for thermal neutron sensitivity and neutron sensitivity the burn-up correction equations and reduction formulas at different neutron temperature of rhodium self-powered in-core neutron detector are given .

    本文给出了铑自给能探测器的 中子灵敏度和中子灵敏度的理论计算公式、燃耗修正公式以及不同中子温度下的换算公式。

  • Three different nuclear logging combinations can be formed according to thermal neutron logging epithermal neutron logging and density logging .

    根据 中子测井、超热中子测井和密度测井,可以形成三种不同的核测井组合。

  • The transmutation of MA from thermal neutron reactors using modular fast reactor is discussed in this thesis .

    本论文旨在研究模块 快堆 变压 堆核电站乏燃料中MA的一些相关问题。

  • The cadmium ratio RCA and thermal neutron flux are usually measured in a re - ' actor .

    镉比R(Cd)和 中子通量是堆内常测的参数。

  • Some important parameters of the silicon irradiated with high energy and thermal neutron are calculated respectively .

    计算了 中子辐照和高能 中子辐照单晶硅后的深能级密度、 费米能级和其他有关重要参数。

  • If the rare earth content is high enough it can demonstrate strong ability for thermal neutron absorption .

    具有高稀土含量的 复合 高分子 屏蔽 材料具有强的 中子吸收能力;

  • In this article the fundamental research of detecting explosives using PulsedFast / Thermal Neutron Analysis is introduced to us .

    本文介绍利用脉冲快 中子分析技术对爆炸物进行检测的基础研究。

  • Thermal Neutron Stars with Strong Hyperon-Hyperon Interaction in Relativistic Mean Field Theory

    相对论平均场理论下包含强超子-超子相互作用的 中子

  • Present condition and prospects of thermal neutron scattering work in China

    我国的 中子散射工作现况和展望

  • A new method of data processing used in pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology is introduced .

    介绍了一种应用于脉冲快 中子分析技术中的新解谱方法。

  • The principle and experiments on the measurement of grease stain in petroleum pipeline using the thermal neutron gauge were reported .

    叙述了利用 中子 透射计测石油管道内油垢厚度的原理、实验和结论。

  • So if you 're reactor is on the scale of meters the neutron length scales it looks like a thermal neutron is in the order of a tenth of a meter .

    所以,如果你的反应堆是在几米的范围里,那是中子的长度范围,它看起来像是一个 中子,那大约是十分之一米。

  • The theory of thermal neutron measurement using CR-39 SSNTD is described . The method of making thermal neutron CR-39 SSNTD and its preliminary application for personal dose monitoring are introduced .

    阐述了CR-39SSNTD实现 中子测量的机理,介绍了热中子CR-39SSNTD的制造方法及其在个人中子剂量计中的初步应用。

  • It has also been studied that the variation of porosity influence on neutron flux distributions with the energy and time the time spectra of thermal neutron and the time spectra of epithermal neutron along the borehole axis and wall .

    即孔隙度对中子通量随能量、时间分布和 中子、超 中子时间谱的影响。

  • Through calculating and monitoring curb of thermal neutron fluence target resistivity hitting ratio is high than 90 % .

    通过对 中子注量计算和辐照中 中子注量监测的控制,得出目标电阻率命中率达到90%以上。

  • The thermal neutron flux density is measured with Soild State Nuclear Track Detector ( SSNTD ) and the γ radiation dose rate is detected with Thermoluminescence Dosimeter ( TLD ) .

    中子通量密度采用固体核径迹探测器测量,γ辐射剂量率用 释光探测器测定。

  • A new method for measuring moisture in pottery materials using a thermal neutron transmission gauge is reported .

    报道了一种利用 中子透射计取样测量陶料水分的新方法。

  • The measured value of integrated thermal neutron flux was compared with the calculated value .

    测得的 中子积分通量值与计算值作了比较。

  • According to substrate conditions of the thermal neutron converter the aluminized polyimide film is selected as this substrate .

    根据 中子转换体需要的衬底条件,选择了镀铝的聚酰亚胺薄膜作为衬底。

  • The new method for thermal neutron flux density measurement by γ spectrometer is described .

    介绍了利用γ谱仪测量绝对 中子 量率的方法。

  • The principle and methods of thermal neutron radiography are described briefly in this paper .

    本文简单地叙述了 中子照相的原理和方法。

  • Based on the statistical fission theory we have calculated the mass and kinetic energy distributions as well as other physical quantities of ~ ( 235 ) U fission induced by thermal neutron using microscopical method .

    本文在核裂变统计理论基础上应用微观方法计算了~(235)U 中子裂变的质量分布、动能分布及其它物理量。

  • Study on measuring method of thermal neutron fluence rate


  • Determination and estimation of boron equivalent of thermal neutron absorption of impurity elements in uranium hexafluoride

    六氟化铀中杂质元素 中子吸收的硼当量的测定和评价

  • Determination of Thermal Neutron Macroscopic Absorption Cross Section and Hydrogen Index in Rocks

    岩石 中子宏观吸收截面和含氢指数的测量