the fiscal year

[ði ˈfɪskəl jɪr][ðə ˈfiskəl jə:]

财政年度, 会计年度

  • You maintain the other FM area parameters such as the fiscal year variant later .

    你在晚些时候还要为财管区维护诸如 财政 年度变量等其他参数。

  • Floor return : The amount of annual investment income projected at the Beginning of the fiscal year for the Bank .

    最低收益:世界银行 财政 年度开始时所预测的年投资收入额。

  • However Nobuyuki oneda chief financial officer said the unit would break even in the second half of this year and would turn a profit in the fiscal year starting April 2008 .

    不过,索尼首席财务官大根田伸行(nobuyukioneda)表示,下半财年,游戏部门会实现收支平衡,在2008年4月开始 下一 财年将会赢利。

  • The rationale was to give legislators and the Obama administration a brief window to negotiate a budget deal for the remainder of the fiscal year .

    这项开支措施的理由是给予立法人员和奥巴马政府这一小段时间,通过谈判达成 财政 年度所剩余时间的预算协议。

  • Microsoft 's revenue in Brazil Russia India and China grew more than 50 per cent in the fiscal year to June 30 more than double the world average .

    截至6月30日 财年,微软在巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国的收入增长了50%,比其世界平均收入的两倍还多。

  • Looking forward the company expects global industrial activity and demand will continue to moderately improve through the rest of the fiscal year .

    肯纳公司预期,在 财年的后两个 季度,全球工业活动和需求将持续适度好转。

  • Temasek normally waits until five or six months after the close of the fiscal year to reveal its results .

    淡马锡通常要等到 财务 年度结束5至6个月后才会披露业绩。

  • The central bank also cut its forecast for the fiscal year to March 2011 from 1.2 per cent growth to 1 per cent .

    日本央行还下调了对截至2011年3月 财年的预测,从增长1.2%下调至增长1%。

  • The annual Economic Survey one of New Delhi 's most important policy documents forecast that Asia 's third largest economy would return in the fiscal year beginning in April to the high-growth trajectory it enjoyed before the crisis .

    作为印度政府最重要的政策文件之一,年度经济调查报告预计,在始于今年4月 财政 年度,亚洲第三大经济体印度将回到危机前的高增长轨道。

  • Senior executives involved in the talks told the financial times that annual iron ore benchmark prices were still likely to drop for the fiscal year starting on April 1 but said that by waiting they hoped to avoid a large cut .

    参与谈判的高管们告诉英国《金融时报》,从4月1日开始的 年度铁矿石基准价仍有可能下降,但他们希望在等待一段 时间后,可以避免大幅降价。

  • The Ordinary General Assembly meets at least once a year within six ( 6 ) months after closure of the fiscal year to rule on the accounts .

    全体大会成员一个 财政 年度结束后的6个月内至少进行 次会面,对上一年的财政情况表决。

  • In the fiscal year 2011-12 more than 25 Chinese people obtained permanent residence in Australia .

    在2011年至2012年 财政 年度间,超过2.5万的中国人取得了澳大利亚的永久居住权。

  • This puts us on track to meet our commitments for the fiscal year .

    这使我们有望按计划兑现我们对 2013 财年设定 承诺。

  • Tokyo said it expected gross domestic product to fall 3.3 per cent in the fiscal year that began April 1 and warned that the economic picture was worsening .

    东京表示,它预计 财年(从4月1日开始)的国内生产总值(GDP)将萎缩3.3%。它还警告说,日本的经济状况正在恶化。

  • Our closing date didn 't mix well with the fiscal year of some of our partners .

    我们的截至日期没有与我们的一些伙伴 年度 财政很好的融合起来。