the merest


  • That is the merest folly .

    那真 糊涂透了。

  • The world of any moment is the merest appearance .

    任何时刻的世界都 不过 表象 而已

  • She compromised by writing as seldom as possible and adhering to the merest trivialities .

    她采取折衷的办法,尽可能少写信并且坚持写 微不足道的琐事。

  • Whenever there was a gap in the traffic the merest pressure on the accelerator was enough to close it

    每当 车流里出现了一点儿 距,只要 稍稍一踩油门,空距就没有了。

  • His behaviour was the merest childish exhibitionism .

    他的行为只 不过是幼稚的表现癖而已。

  • Snubs hurt him and the merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness .

    冷落会使他伤痛,就是某处 一点点 怠慢,也会让他痛苦不堪。

  • He gave me the merest hint about what was really going on .

    关于真正发生的事情他 给了我 一点 暗示

  • The merest suggestion that the car crash was partly his fault sent him into an angry rage .

    不过暗示了 一下车祸部分是他的错造成的,就使他发怒了。

  • Tess was the merest stray phenomenon to Angel Clare as yet - a rosy warming apparition which had only just acquired the attribute of persistence in his consciousness .

    到目前为止,在 安琪尔克莱尔看来,苔丝只不过是一种偶然的现象一个让人感到温暖的玫瑰色幻影,在他的意识里,这个幻影也只是刚刚具有了 驱赶的性质。

  • If he made a sound the merest tremble or gasp he would never see the sun again .

    如果他发出一点声响, 仅仅 只是颤抖或是喘息,他将会再也见不到明天的太阳。

  • Is it possible that you can see anything more than the merest chance in this meeting ?

    这一次会面,除了 纯粹 巧合 以外,你真不能看出什么别的 意义 吗?

  • The merest st noise is enough to wake him .


  • I could detect only the merest whisper .

    我只能 听到 低低 私语

  • To say that Pablo Picasso dominated Western art in the20th century is by now the merest commonplace .

    现在你说毕卡索是20世纪西方艺术 了不起 人物只是老生常谈。

  • I received the last you sent on by the merest chance and after considerable delay through being inland ; or I might have come sooner .

    你上次转给我的信,在 巴西的内地 去,耽误了 许久最后 完全是碰巧收到的,不然我会回来得更早些。

  • Hate figure : Sadly Man United put up the merest shadow of a fight last season .

    憎恨对象:可惜,上赛季曼联 几乎比赛 没有 多的 抵抗 缴械了。

  • The merest little thing makes him nervous .


  • The team manager has been quick to clamp down on the merest hint of complacency .

    球队主教练很快就 消除了自满 苗头

  • The baby sleeps so badly that the merest noise wakes her up .

    那个婴孩睡得那样不好, 不过 声音 把她弄醒了。

  • I 'm chasing the merest sliver of color .

    我追逐 细微的色彩。

  • I was standing on the dock when by the merest accident I fell in talk with him .

    我当时正站在码头上, 非常 偶然地和这个人攀谈 起来

  • The merest noise is enough to wake her .


  • The merest mention of seafood makes guy feel sick .


  • She 'd never received the merest hint of any communication from him .

    她从未得到他 准备沟通的 一丁点儿暗示。

  • She is the merest awkward country girl without style or elegance and almost without beauty .

    她是个 不折不扣的乡下笨姑娘, 不上风度仪表,而且几乎 不上美貌。

  • These pleasures were inexpensive and unexpected ; the merest chance furnished them .

    需要 的代价,并且往往是无意中得 的,一 偶然机会 便能提供这种乐趣。

  • When we got back for a swim before lunch the lake was exactly where we had left it the same number of inches from the dock and there was only the merest suggestion of a breeze .

    午饭前我们再去游泳时,这个湖跟我们离开时 一模一样,码头的 水深标记浸到了同样位置,只有极其轻微的风在吹着。

  • There are warm days in the UK but you know you 're in a damp country when the merest hint of sunshine is front page news .

    英国也有温暖的日子,但你要明白你是在一个潮湿的国家, 怕有 一丁 出太阳的迹象也是头条新闻。

  • This might have been the merest mischance .

    这也许只是 区区 厄运。