the work of a moment


  • The rapid development of information technology era the statistical work of the reform is the current statistical work of a pressing matter of the moment .

    信息化迅速发展的时代中,统计工作的改革是 当前统计 工作 当务之急

  • It was the work of a moment to cut the ropes and set the man free .

    割断绳子把这个人放走,这 一会儿 干好了。

  • The main work of this thesis is summarized as follows : 1 . A combined partial symmetry and moment balance method for pose estimation is presented .

    论文主要 工作 创新点如下:1.提出 结合局部平面对称和 力矩平衡的三维模型姿态估计方法。

  • It was the work of a moment to cut off the light .

    切断电源是 易如反掌

  • On the basis of the research Accompany adolescents mode of the adolescent social work in the field of family emerges at a historic moment .

    在这种背景下,陪伴式青少年家庭社会 工作模式 应运而生

  • Standard system and quality system two set of standards in the same industry in how to effectively carry out combine it is to deepen enterprise standardization work of a pressing matter of the moment .

    标准体系与质量体系二套标准,在同一企业中如何有效的贯彻、结合,是深化企业标准化 工作 当务之急