the works of God


  • There he began to bear witness to the works of the Most High God which he had seen with his own eyes .

    他并向一切人作证,他亲眼见了 伟大 天主的作为。

  • The works that are influenced by Christian spirit insist that only human being carry out the imperative of loving the God and loving your neighbor as yourself can human being die and rise with Christ and be saved in God 's love .

    受到基督教精神浸润 文学 作品则更为强调要践行基督教的爱 上帝和爱人如己的诫命,如此,才能与基督同死同活,在挚爱中得到救赎。

  • If we trace the origin of the pains he suffered in his life from his works we will find it was the Spirit of Wine God that led to the birth of his tragedy .

    从他的 作品中追寻其生命苦痛的根源,原来正是其 酒神精神导致了他人生“悲剧的诞生”。

  • All the works of God are made to serve love .

    上帝 整个 事业是为爱服务的。

  • Behold ye the earth and give heed to the things which take place upon it from first to last how steadfast they are how none of the things upon earth change but all the works of God appear to you .

    你看看地上,留意由始至终所发生的事情,它们是多么的坚定,任何在地上的事物都没有改变,正如 所显示给你 全部的

  • Never was there such a defiant daring manipulator . Come and see the works of God : he is to be feared in all he does to the children of men .

    这样大胆、无畏的股票做手是从来没有的。你们来看 的。他向世人所 之事,是可畏的。

  • The wise and their works are in the hands of God . – Havergal .

    “智慧人,并他们的 作为都在 手中”(传九:1)。

  • The works of God are wonderful .

    上帝 作品都很妙。

  • 8 then they said to him what shall we do that we may work the works of god ?


  • All mankind will fear ; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done .

    众人都起了敬畏 心, 上帝的作为,沉思上帝所作的。

  • But the problem quickly to the many good works we have summed up the colour combination of design through the use of after we changed not a god child this is why ?

    但问题很快就来了,许多我们在 名家的好设计里总结出的颜色组合,再经过我们使用后就变了样,没了 儿,这是为什么呢?

  • Cretes and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God .

    克里特和阿拉伯人,都听见他们用我们的 乡谈,讲说 的大能作为。

  • He has made everything right in its time ; but he has made their hearts without knowledge so that man is unable to see the works of God from the first to the last .

    造万物、各按其时成为美好.又将永生安置在世人心里.然而神从始至终 作为、人不能 参透