the tragic

[ði ˈtrædʒɪk][ðə ˈtrædʒik]


  • She claims total innocence of any involvement in the tragic events .

    她声言自己完全清白,她与 这些 悲惨事件无丝毫牵连。

  • On the Tragic Aesthetic Implication of A Farewell to Arms

    永别了,武器》中的 悲剧美学意蕴

  • As one world we grieved with you over the tragic earthquake in Sichuan Province .

    由于同一个世界,mm我们为四川大地震 悲剧感到痛心。

  • She wrote to express her sorrow at the tragic death of their son .

    她写信对他们儿子 惨死表示哀悼。

  • Young people underestimate the risk of becoming addicted to nicotine and the tragic health consequences that can follow .

    青年人低估了尼古丁上瘾的危险和随之可能 健康造成 恶果。

  • And with his Irishman 's sense of the tragic she also knew he felt something about such emptiness .

    她也知道,凭他的爱尔兰人 悲剧和敏感性,他已感觉出一些这种空虚。

  • The tragic archetype of myth evolves into the contemporary tragedy .

    神话中 悲剧原型演变为现代悲剧。

  • the tragic loss of so many lives

    这么多人 不幸丧生

  • First there has been the tragic decline of the lunch hour and the eclipse of the office canteen .

    首先,午餐时间 可悲地减少了,企业食堂消亡了。

  • The tragic suicide of the superstar is on everyone 's tongue .

    那位超级明星 悲惨的自杀成了每个人(议论)的话题。

  • Now it is revealed this secret so full of horror as the tragic poet says .

    现在,这个正如 悲剧诗人所说 ,‘充满着恐怖的秘密已经揭露了’。

  • The tragic death of his only son deprived him of all the joys of life .

    独子 死去夺去了他生命中的全部欢乐。

  • The fate was one of the most obvious aesthetical factors of the tragic spirit in Western literature .

    命运是西方 悲剧精神最有代表性 审美要素之一。

  • Five days later the tragic news spread throughout Scotland & the mighty Titanic had sunk .

    五天之后,一个 不幸的消息传遍了苏格兰&超大轮船泰坦尼克号沉没了。

  • His religious awakening came after the tragic death of his parents .

    在他父母 惨死之后他的宗教信仰觉醒了。

  • You see the tragic irony in that ?

    你能听出 悲剧的讽刺意味么?

  • The tragic chain of events was triggered off .

    引起了一连串 悲惨事件。

  • Five months after the tragic plane crash no one found a body or plane .


  • What caused the tragic outcome for such a happy marriage ?

    是什么东西给如此幸福的婚姻带来 悲剧的结局呢?

  • Compared with the tragic opera of Galliano and McQueen her subject is more a divertissement .

    与加利亚诺和麦昆 悲剧故事相比,吉夫汉的主题更具娱乐性。

  • The tragic death of his elder brother michael .

    他哥哥迈克尔 惨死

  • She was a witness to the tragic event .

    她目睹了 悲惨事件。

  • His voice faltered every time he talked about the tragic accident .

    他每次谈到 悲惨的意外事故,他的声音就结结巴巴。