the way of the world

[ði we ʌv ði wɜrld][ðə wei ɔv ðə wɜː(r)ld]


  • Verily that is the way of the world .

    世界就是 这样

  • Don 't believe false doctrines . Don 't follow the way of the world .

    不要相信虚假的教条,不要跟随 世俗 道路

  • It will point the way for three quarters of the world 's population and it will provide further proof of the correctness of Marxism .

    就为 世界四分 三的人口指出了 奋斗 方向,更加证明了马克思主义的正确性。

  • Whether openness advocates like it or not this is not the way the rest of the world with its arcane rules of diplomacy wants to work .

    不管支持公开的人士喜欢与否,这并非有着神秘外交规则 世界其它地区希望采取 方式

  • It 's the way we make sense of the world : I 'm not sure any of us could survive without giving our lives some compelling plotlines .

    这就是我们认知 世界 方式:若不给自己的生命添加一些无法抗拒的故事情节,我不太确定是否还有人能继续活下去。我就绝对不行。

  • Agriculture Modernization a rich connotation within is the basic way of the world agriculture .

    农业现代化是 各国农业发展 基本 方向,农业现代化本身的内涵亦十分丰富。

  • That 's the way of the world my love .

    世界就是 这样 ,亲爱的。

  • One of the main differences between the way an American talks and the way the rest of the world talks is that they don 't really move their lips .

    美国人说英语的方式和 世界其他地方人士说英语 方式,最主要的区别就是美国人几乎不动嘴唇。

  • The way of the world rather than a particular time that 's what we are satirizing he says .

    他说:我们所讽刺的不是一个特定的时代,而是 世道 常情

  • The second and the third parts discuss the use and the Utopia of culture . They explain that Lin Yutang 's novels press close to the way of the world and posses the Utopia of the culture .

    第二部分和第三部分论述了林语堂小说的文化致用性和文化乌托邦,指出林语堂小说在贴近 人生 同时又兼具乌托邦式文化意蕴。

  • Here is another list all the evil things which result when the knowledge of God is rejected and when humans follow the way of the fallen world .

    这里又是另一列表,当对上帝的认识被摈弃,当人遵从 这个堕落 世界 方式时,会出现所有的恶事。

  • Their stories about about sacrifice and heroism are a part of the way we make sense of the world .

    这些关于牺牲和 英雄主义的故事是我们了解 世界 过程 一部分。

  • If this is what the triumphalists of Wall Street and the City of London told the Russians about the way of the capitalist world I thought when I moved back to Britain in 1999 what have they been telling us ?

    如果这就是华尔街或伦敦城的胜利者们告诉俄罗斯人 资本主义 世界的经验,那么我认为当我1999年回到英国够,他们还有什么要告诉我们呢?

  • He was too young to know the way of the world .

    他太小,还不懂 世情

  • Meng Zi 's Thought of Virtue Study and Confucian Philosophical Cognition and the Basic Way of Knowing the World

    孟子德性论的思维理路与儒家哲学认识和把握 世界 基本 方式

  • Few collectors of the wardington atlases would dream of splitting them up and selling off the individual maps but that has been the way of the map world .

    在沃丁顿地图集的收藏者中,几乎没人会想把它们分拆开来,将个别地图进行出售,但这一直是地图 所使用 方法

  • Is it not the way of the world that mortar must often be mixed with blood ?

    今天更多的工人被发现死掉了, 难道很多时候我们 世界 灰泥不应该用鲜血来搅拌么?

  • Patent pools aren 't the only way of ensuring the developing world has access to drugs .

    专利池并不是确保 发展中国家获得药物 唯一 方式

  • Because he did he transformed our lives redefined entire industries and achieved one of the rarest feats in human history : he changed the way each of us sees the world .

    因为他这样做了,他就此改变了我们的生活,重新定义了整个行业,并创造了人类历史上最罕见的奇迹之一:他改变了我们每个人观察 世界 方式

  • I am talking to you today about the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waster .

    我今天跟大家谈谈 世界 大片区域是 怎样受工业污染而被破坏的。

  • Look that is the way of the world !

    你们看, 世界就是 这个 样子

  • This was the way ~ ~ of the modern world .

    这就是 现世

  • With the increasing number of mobile phone users a large amount of people choose mobile news as the way of knowing the fast-changing world .

    伴随着手机用户的不断增加,更多的人开始选择 通过手机报新闻 了解 全球日新月异 变化。

  • The special way of recognition the world brings about female specific characteristics and particular self-consciousness .

    首先就论述了女性为什么要以身体(生理)为媒介 世界进行认识。 其次 作者进一步阐述了特殊的认识 方式使女性产生了特殊的自我意识。

  • changed the way each of us sees the world .

    改变了我们每个人看待 世界 方式

  • But distance management is the way of the multinational world anyway .

    然而, 跨国企业的 世界中,远程管理是必要 方式

  • Although the net will change the way of the world today 's pioneering internet companies are unlikely ever to earn the vast profits needed to justify their current share prices .

    尽管互联网将会改变 整个 世界 模式,如今领先的网络公司不大可能赚取合乎其当今股票价格的巨额利润。

  • Taking medical powder a Taoists ' custom in the Wei and Jin Dynasties reflects the way of the world in that age .

    魏晋时期的服散,反映出 深广 社会内容。

  • It 's the way of the new world !

    这就是新 世界