the lower regions


  • Conclusions Children 's BSe average level was in normal range but was on the lower side and were different among different regions .

    结论儿童血硒水平总体处于正常 偏低范围,并且具有 地区性差异。

  • Particularly in recent years the high temperature became frequently in the middle and lower Yangtze regions in middle and later growth stages of rice .

    特别是近年来长江中 下游 稻区高温在水稻生育中后期常频繁发生。

  • Additionally the TGP can also supply reliable clean energy to the middle and lower regions it is also favorable for atmospheric environment improvement and can help to increase the navigation capability of the river course in the middle and lower Yangtze during dry season .

    此外三峡工程还可向中 下游 地区提供可靠的清洁能源,有利于改善大气环境;帮助提高中下游河道每年枯水季的通航能力;

  • And the land surface temperature in the eastern region is lower than that of the other regions .

    而东部的地表温度总体上比其他 地区

  • By analyzing the reasons for lower FDI absorptive capacity of six provincial regions in central regions this paper offers some corresponding suggestions .

    通过探究中部六 FDI吸收能力 弱势背后 原因,本文提出了相应建议。

  • Since the 1980 's the economic increase in the West has been lower than the other regions and the gap between the East and the West is wider and wider .

    从80年代初以来, 西部地区经济增长速度一直 低于全国 平均 水平经济发展总体水平和综合实力与东部沿海 地区的差距不断拉大。

  • Its forcing is exactly known so attractive for many interesting of scholar ' s. The lunar atmospheric tide concentrates mainly on the lower denser regions of the atmosphere and then propagates upward to the upper atmosphere in the form of various tidal oscillation modes .

    大气太阴潮汐主要由月球引潮力引起,其源比较清楚,因而引起了学者们很大兴趣。大气 太阴潮汐主要作用于密度高 大气,并以各种潮汐振荡模上传到高层大气。

  • Then in the other ordinal layers from the higher layer to the lower layer only the pavement distress regions were segmented tiles to gain the exact detection of pavement distress .

    然后在其他各层中,从高层到 层依次只针对路面破损 区域进一步分块分割处理,得到路面裂缝的准确检测。

  • The results indicate cloudiness increase at lower latitudes in regions of thinner cloud which is consistent with results at this lower latitudes found by other investigators .

    表明,宇宙线福布什下降期间, 纬度薄云层 地区云量增加,与其它观测结果相一致。

  • According to Sonic-resistance relationship the electrical standard of reservoir in the lower part of Yanchang formation in different regions .

    依据试油层位声波&电阻关系,基本确定了不同 区域延长组 深层油层的电性标准。

  • Soon over time even the lower priced regions catch up with the higher ones and now everyone is in the same boat .

    很快的,随时间过去,即使是 低价 地区也会跟高价 地区最终并驾齐驱,现在每个人都置身在同样的处境里。

  • The drainage measure is a functional way for draining waterlogging and lowering groundwater table in the lower land and shallow groundwater depth and easy waterlogging regions .

    低洼易涝地下水位埋深 地区采用适宜的排水措施是排除涝水和降低地下水位的一项行之有效的工程措施。

  • The first return stroke of the lightning had no difference with that in the lower altitude regions and its current peak value was about 24.1 kA .

    首次回击放电过程与 海拔 地区没有差异,通道中的峰值电流有24.1kA;

  • Based on the investigation of distribution and many seasonal water samples in the surface sediment of 45 lakes in the middle and lower reaches regions of Yangtze River the ecological characters of total phosphorus of indexes of 57 common diatom species were studied .

    长江中 下游 地区45个湖泊表层沉积硅藻属种分布及多次季节性水样调查的基础上,研究了57个常见硅藻属种对总磷指标的生态学特征。

  • The b-value is lower in continental seismic regions than in other regions ( belts ) ; the b-value is lower during the seismically active period than in a quiet one .

    在全球活动高潮时段中b值偏低,大陆地震 b值 偏低

  • According to the vulgar idea the fire in his laboratory had been brought from the lower regions and was fed with infernal fuel ; and so as might be expected his visage was getting sooty with the smoke .

    按照一种粗俗的说法,他实验室中的火来自 下界,而且是用炼狱 柴薪来燃烧的;因此,理所当然地,他的面孔也就给那烟熏得越来越黑了。

  • Comparing with the Artic and Antarctic regions the studies of the ice cores in middle and lower latitude regions developed fast in recent years .

    与南北极地区的冰芯研究相比, 中低纬度 地区冰芯研究是近年来 国际冰芯研究中发展最快的。

  • At the same time the population quality and primary education develop to some extent the literacy rate is higher in the regions north and west to Kaifeng and the rate is lower in the regions east and south to Kaifeng .

    与此同时人口素质有了一定的提高,初级教育有了一定的发展,1930年代开封以西以北地区识字率较高,以东以南 地区识字率较

  • VEGF expression of human growth plate concentrates on the lower hypertrophic and mineralised regions .

    椎体生长板VEGF的表达集中在肥大细胞层 及临时钙化

  • A little of Egypt and Bohemia in the lower regions suited the upper spheres and compassed the aims of the powerful .

    下层社会略带一点埃及和 波希米亚的作风,那是上层社会所欢迎 ,那样可以替当权的人解决一些问题。

  • Planetary Waves in the Lower Ionosphere Over the Mid-and Low Latitude Regions in China

    我国中低纬 地区上空 电离层中 行星波

  • There are some fine-to coarse-grained dolostones and dolomitic limestones in the lower Permian in Sichuan basin and its peripheral regions which are good reservoir in Sichuan basin .

    四川盆地及其周缘 地区 二叠 碳酸盐岩中,不同程度地发育着一些细晶至粗晶白云岩和白云质灰岩,前人将其解释为淡水透镜体混合白云石化的产物。

  • Whereas in OLP they mainly located in the middle and lower regions of the prickle cell layer and the basal cell layer but throughout the prickle cell layer in some .

    OLP组中,LC位于棘细胞层 中、 下部及基底细胞层,有的标本中LC可见于棘细胞全层,固有层中多见。

  • Diatom indicative species of eutrophication of the lakes in the middle and lower reach regions of Yangtze River

    长江中 下游 地区湖泊富营养化的硅藻指示性属种

  • Observations on the evoked potentials of the lower thoracic and lumbar spinal regions by stimulating posterior tibial nerve at the dog 's ankle

    刺激犬踝部胫后神经 脊髓 胸段、腰 体表诱发电位的观察

  • Water Resources Production Potential Development Approaches in the Middle and Lower Yield Land Regions of Henan Province

    河南省中 低产地区水资源生产潜力开发途径

  • The Study of the Geomorphology of the Lower Fen River Basin and it 's Adjacent Regions

    汾河 下游盆地及邻 地貌研究

  • Higher practitioners industries engaged in Northern Shaanxi Guanzhong and the proportion of tertiary industry while lower proportion Southern regions .

    从业产业方面关中与陕北地区从事二三产业 比重较高,而陕南 地区比重