The game is up


  • North Korea has run out of road ; the game is finally up .

    朝鲜已无路可走, 把戏终于 破产

  • The cellular automaton model of evolution game on business - strategy choice is set up and evolution algorithm is used in the state conversion rule of cellular automaton .

    本文 建立企业战略选择演化 博弈 CA模型,在CA的状态转换规则中运用进化算法。

  • The aim of the game is to hold onto the180 pounds Colombian ewes for up to six seconds as they are released from a gate into the150 feet long and50 feet wide run .

    比赛要求 ,当这些 重达180磅的哥伦比亚母羊从赛门中放出来,在长150英尺,宽50英尺的赛场上奔跑时,参赛儿童要紧紧抓着 这些羊,坚持6秒钟。

  • I think the game at Golden State is a game that we controlled the whole game up until the last two and a half minutes and we couldn 't close it out .

    对阵金州勇士队 比赛,我们控制了整场比赛 直到最后两分半钟,我们却没能拿下。

  • And the simulation based on the game theory is also set up to conduct the analysis . The first simulation pattern is the multi-function agent pattern between upstream suppliers and dairy product manufactures .

    首先 建立 上游供应商与乳制品加工企业间的多 任务委托代理模型。

  • For Mr Murdoch as I wrote a week ago the game is up .

    正如我日前所写的,默多克在 件事 大势已去

  • And the under-the-hood graphics processing power what makes game play increasingly realistic and exciting is catching up as well .

    而且,平板电脑 图形处理能力也开始 后来居上,正是它使 游戏变得日益真实生动,引人入胜。

  • Everybody realizes that 's the game everybody else is playing so in order to compete or keep up that 's what you 've got to do .

    谁都知道其它人 在玩 这个 游戏,因此只好竞争或 坚持,这就是你要做的。

  • Every corresponding kind model of the Game Theory for every kind of conflict is brought up on the basis of orientation of the different relationship of the participants in the channel and application of the Game Theory .

    通过对参与人之间关系的不同定位,运用博弈论方法,对每种冲突 给出 相应 博弈模型。

  • Sophisticated design points of the game the map is very beautiful with the task of in-depth up to4 players can choose weapons and weapons can be upgraded to strengthen the power of will .

    游戏关卡设计精巧,地图 十分精美,随着任务的深入,玩家 最多有4种武器可以选择,并且武器能够升级,威力也会加强。

  • The game is to pair up with the highest ranked person of the opposite sex that you can .

    游戏 规则 就是:尽可能与排名最高(数字最大)的异性 配对

  • Now as part of the experimental garden Fuzhou animation and game industry is stepping up its base in the second phase construction will be completed within two years .

    目前,作为 实验园组成部分的福州动漫 游戏产业基地二期工程 正在 加紧建设,将在两年内完工。

  • The actual scripting language used in a game is ultimately up to the game designers and programmers .

    一个真正应用于 游戏 脚本语言 从根本 服务于游戏设计者和程序员的。

  • Meanwhile the game development technology is also growing up and improving itself .

    与此同时, 游戏开发技术 不断的发展和改善。

  • I explain that part of the game is for the FT to pick up the bill .

    我解释说, 英国《金融时报》买单 次采访的 游戏 规则之一。

  • The game is up the teacher knows who took the keys .

    秘密 泄露一切完了,老师知道谁拿了钥匙。

  • Firstly the model of location game between different-scale 2-firms is set up by adapting the assumption of cost function in Hotelling model .

    首先修改HOTELLING 原始模型的费用函数假设, 建立不同规模两公司的选址 博弈模型;

  • Every single build has a counter in the game and it is up to each player to try and utilize the weaknesses in their opponents build to their advantage .

    游戏 每一个单位都有其 克制的单位。这 需要玩家们尽可能地针对对手单位的弱点来发挥自己单位的优势。

  • The game is introduced : Xishuangbanna beautiful graceful Dai girl is coming up to you stepping on beautiful Dai dance step leisurely .

    游戏介绍:美丽 西双版纳,婀娜多姿的傣家姑娘,踏着优美的傣族舞步款款向你 走来

  • The game of Scrabble is a very popular English language word game in which players build up words on a board using tiles with letters on them .

    拼字 游戏 一种非常受人欢迎的英语词汇游戏,玩法是在一棋盘上 用印有字母的牌拼单词。

  • The pool for tonight 's football game is up to4000 .

    今晚足球 比赛 赌注高 4000美元。

  • The reporter visits partial college discovery this kind abreacts from what download on the network game is being heated up in undergraduate medium baking temperature spread .

    记者走访部分高校发现,这类从网络上下载 发泄 游戏 正在大学生中 火热蔓延开来。

  • In this paper the search game models of the naval vessel submarine antagonistic is set up with the method of the game theory and the knowledge of the search theory .

    使用对策论的观点和方法,结合搜索论的知识, 建立 一类舰-潜对抗搜索 对策模型。

  • The rapid development of the online games and the difficulties of the educational software industry have shown a striking contrast . How to draw on the successful experience of online games has become a hot topic focused by people and the educational online game is thereupon springing up .

    网络游戏的迅速发展与教育软件的困顿形成明显反差,如何借鉴网络游戏的成功并 之应用到教育之中成为人们思考的热点,教育网络 游戏 随之 兴起

  • However the traditional game model is set up based on the completely rational agents which can forecast the result cased by their own behaviors ( including the others responses ) .

    但传统的 博弈模型 围绕具有完美理性的主体一那些能完美地预测自身行为后果(包括其他主体的反应)的主体 建立的。

  • The gruesome German game is up .

    那个可怕的德国 花招 揭穿