term frequency

[tɚm ˈfrikwənsi][tə:m ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • Finally the term-document space is constructed by vector space model with term frequency weight . Secondly the latent semantic analysis is studied .

    向量空间采用 词频作为权值的向量空间模型构建。其次,研究了潜在语义分析模型。

  • It trains the neural network ensemble with negative correlation learning method uses tf × idf ( term frequency × inverse document frequency ) system calls encoded mode as the input .

    使用负相关法训练神经网络集成,采用tf× idf的系统调用编码方式作为输入。

  • Ultrashort term frequency forecasting control for a Hydropower Station

    水电站超 短期预报 频率控制

  • The problem of short term frequency stability is one of the key-link techniques in Doppler-velocity measurement .

    频率 短期稳定度问题是多普勒测速关键技术之一。

  • To improve the accuracy of term frequency SBGA employs a new method TFS which takes word sense into account while calculating term frequency .

    另外,为了提高 词频计算的精度,SBGA采用了一种改进的词频计算方法TFS,将加权后词的同义词频率加到了原词频中。

  • This article puts forward the concept of Chinese and English dictionary with reverse term frequency .

    提出了带反向 词频的中英文词典这一概念。

  • Retrieve the entries affect the same proportion in the document term frequency weighting term .

    检索词条在文档的比重同样影响 词条的权重计算。

  • This paper presents the weight calculation based on term frequency by analyzing the important effects of E-mail character field in topic expression and improves the traditional probabilistic model of resemblance calculation .

    分析了邮件特征域在邮件主题表达力方面的重要作用,给出了基于 特征词频TF的权值计算方法,并改进了传统的文本相似度计算概率模型。

  • We can use term frequency to have a weighted calculation and improve traditional text similarity calculation probability model in SVM algorithm .

    通过利用基于 词频的权值计算,同时改进传统文本相似度计算概率模型,改进SVM算法实现邮件过滤系统。

  • A Novel Detective Method for Fundamental Current and Any Term Frequency Harmonic Current

    基波电流和 任意 次数谐波电流检测新方法

  • According to the data of the atomic time within 2.25 years ( from October 1985 to December 1987 ) we compared the Joint Atomic Time of China ( JATC ) with the atomic time of various nations in the long term frequency stabilities .

    根据2.25年内(从1985年10月到1987年12月)的原子时数据,本文对综合原子时(JATC)和各国原子时的 长期 频率稳定度进行了比较。

  • Both short and long term frequency stabilities of the simultaneous oscillations are better than several Parts 1010 .

    它可使同时振荡的双波长之 频率稳定度不论短周期或长 周期都优于10-10。

  • Application of Weight Calculation Based on Term Frequency for E-mail Filtering

    基于 词频的权值计算在邮件过滤算法中的应用

  • The Long Term Frequency Stability in the GPS Time Comparison

    GPS时间比对的 长期 频率稳定度

  • In this paper the difference between the short term frequency stability of a pulse Doppler radar and that of a continuous-wave system is discussed in detail and a set of approximate formulas is presented .

    文中详细讨论了脉冲测速雷达的 频率 短期稳定度与连续波时的差别,并给出近似计算公式。

  • Measurement of short term frequency stability and phase noise of frequency source

    频率源的 短期 频率稳定度及相位噪声测量

  • Traditional algorithms only consider about TF ( Term Frequency ) IDF ( Inverse Document Frequency ) and so on and do not consider DI ( Distribution Information ) among and inside classes and LFHW ( Low Frequency but High Weight ) terms .

    传统的特征 权重算法着重于考虑 频率和反文档频率等因素,而未考虑特征的类间、类内分布与低频高权信息。

  • Treatise on the problem of short term frequency stability in Doppler-velocity measurement

    多普勒测速的 频率 短期稳定度问题

  • The paper present feature evaluating function based document frequency with minimum term frequency threshold to reduce the proportion of noise features and improving the quality of text categorization .

    利用最小 词频阈值的文档频特征评估函数减少噪声特征的比例,提高文本分类的质量。

  • The Requirement of Short Term Frequency Stability of RF Pulse Train for COR MTI and MTD Radar

    COR、MTI、MTD雷达对射频脉冲序列 频率 稳的要求

  • Current feature selection algorithms are all based on term frequency and ignore the class information in the training sample set . A new feature selection algorithm based on class information was put forward .

    目前的索引 选择算法大多是基于 词频的,没有利用训练样本中的类别信息,为此提出了一种新的基于类别的特征选择算法。

  • In the method lexical chains are firstly constructed by calculating the semantic similarity between terms then keywords are selected through taking account of term frequency and area .

    该方法考虑了 词汇之间的语义信息,能够改善关键词 标引的性能。

  • Based on it we doa deep research on the space distribution and time distribution from the view of term frequency mutual information and word similarity .

    在此基础上,我们进行了新词特征的挖掘,从串 、互信息和相似度等角度主要对 新词的空间分布规律和时间分布规律进行了分析。

  • The short term frequency stability of the phase locked oscillator was about 10-9 in 1s the long term frequency stability was about 10-7 . The output power was measured to be greater than 30 mW with more than 120 MHz reliable locked operation range .

    整个锁相源的秒级频率稳定度为10~(-9)量级, 长期 频率稳定度为10~(-7)量级,能够可靠入锁的频率范围大于120MHz,输出功率大于30mW。

  • Therefore a text categorization algorithm based on frequent patterns with term frequency is presented .

    为此,提出了基于分类规则树的带 词频的频繁模式文本分类方法。

  • This paper compares several feature selection methods in text categorization proposes a new feature selection method based on term frequency and inverse document frequency .

    本文在分析比较几种用于文本分类的特征选择方法的基础上,提出了一种基于 术语 频率和逆文档频率的特征选择方法TDF。

  • This paper discusses the existent typical ranking technologies of term frequency count and hyperlink analysis in virtue of vector space model the author proposes a new ranking technique document similarity ranking with a basis on similarity of concept-semantic query term .

    对现存典型的 词频统计排序技术和超链分析排序技术进行了分析,并借助向量空间模型,提出了一种基于概念语义的查询词-文档相似度排序方法。

  • The results show that it has better short term frequency stability and frequency drife performance with temperature .

    试验表明,它具有良好的 短期 频率稳定度和温漂特性。

  • An ultrashort term frequency forecast of the system frequency is made for the hydropower station and the results have been applied in computer frequency control of the hydropower station .

    本文对主 调频水电站进行系统频率超 短期预报,并把预报结果直接应用于水电站的计算机频率控制。

  • Effect of Short Term Frequency Stability of Oscillators on the Velocity Precision in a TT & C System

    测控系统中 振荡器 稳对测速精度的影响