terminal files

[ˈtɚmənəl faɪls][ˈtə:minəl fails]


  • Leaving a shell terminal open inadvertently can potentially provide access to secure files but this happens all the time .

    如果意外地让一个shell 终端一直打开着,就可能提供访问重要 文件的机会,这种情况随时都会发生。

  • Less is a program similar to more i.e.a terminal based program for viewing text files and the output from other programs .

    Less是一款类似于基于查看 文件和从其他程序中输出的开源 终端机程序,适用于各种操作平台,包括Linux,Unix,MacOS,等等。

  • Terminal Defined Files of SYBASE

    SYBASE的 终端定义 文件

  • This paper analyses the structure of terminal defined files which may be helpful to programmers of the APT workbench .

    本文分析了SYBASE 终端定义 文件的结构,供开发人员参考。

  • Intelligent vehicle terminal provides drivers with a set of services such as communication burglar alarms visual reverse function and multimedia files play and entertainment . This greatly enhances the automotive department performance .

    智能车载 终端为驾驶员提供了集通信、防盗、可视倒车功能以及多媒体 文件播放、娱乐为一体的多种服务,大大地提升了汽车性能。

  • Next get a listing of the / tmp contents in the root terminal ; notice that there are likely other files but no / tmp / ab.

    接下来,在根 用户 终端上列出/tmp的内容清单;注意,这里有其他 文件,但是没有/tmp/ab。

  • It is necessary for the user to set up his own environment when he is using APT but all the environment information is recorded in his terminal defined files .

    在使用APT时需设置自己的环境,而这些环境信息均记录在 终端定义 文件中。