



  • He then soldered the wire to the telephone terminal

    接着他把电话线焊接到 电话机上。

  • Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport .

    正在制定在希思罗机场修建第5 航站楼的计划。

  • Carl sits at a computer terminal 40 hours a week .

    卡尔每周在电脑 终端前坐40个小时。

  • The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades .

    人们认为意大利的政治体系几十年来一直存在着 严重危机。

  • An encryption communication system including a host and a data terminal card device is disclosed .

    包括主机和数据 终端卡装置的加密通信系统。

  • Data terminal message compiler and transmission system

    数据 终端信息自动编码器和传输系统

  • The MV-1500 is designed to provide a reliable communication terminal or relay station in the battlefield .

    MV-1500设计提供战场上的一个可靠的通信 终端或中继站。

  • Notice that the output does not display on the terminal because it has been redirected to the file .

    注意,输出并没有显示在 终端上,因为它被重定向到了文件中。

  • He made a round-trip to the terminal and back .

    他到了 终点,又折回来。

  • They have started a hospice for terminal patients .

    他们为 身患 绝症的病人开办了一个安养所。

  • With different equipment configuration the system can be used as a relay or terminal type communication node .

    采用不同的设备配置,系统能被当作一个中继或 终端型通信节点使用。

  • Also ensure the connection settings and flow control between the terminal server and each connecting system are the same .

    还要确保 终端服务器和连接的每个系统之间的连接设置和流控制相同。

  • Market competition and the needs of customers cause operators to place high hope on mobile communication terminal products .

    市场竞争的需要和用户的需求使运营商对移动通信 终端产品寄予了很高的期望。

  • My own house feels as filthy and chaotic as a bus terminal

    我自家的房子感觉又脏又乱,活像公共汽车 终点

  • As soon as he was clear of the terminal building he looked round

    他一离开 机场大楼,就环顾了一下四周。

  • He died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness .

    在与 绝症进行了一番勇敢但却徒劳的抗争之后,他还是去世了。

  • I 'll keep with you to the bus terminal .

    我陪你到公共汽车 终点

  • The matched load is one of many terminal devices in the microwave system .

    匹配负载是微波系统中的一种 终端器件。

  • The low power hardware and software design of terminal monitor are provided .

    提供出了监测 终端的低功耗硬件及软件设计方法。

  • System framework and hardware design of mobile terminal are analyzed .

    分析了系统结构和移动 终端的硬件组成。

  • Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career

    今后回想起来你就会明白,这并非你事业中 一蹶不振的低谷

  • If the user is in the office but the terminal indicates a remote dial-in connection be suspicious .

    如果使用者在办公室中,但是 终端机指出一个遥远的刻度盘-在连接中,是可疑的。

  • He was eventually diagnosed as suffering from terminal cancer

    他最终被诊断出患了 晚期癌症。

  • The function of transmission interface is data transmission between student terminal and sub-exchange .

    传输接口主要负责学生 终端机和次交换机之间的数据传输。

  • Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal a zoo fishing grazing land aobao villas and a strong national style yurts continental style of cultivation and so on .

    景区内有游船 码头、动物园、渔场、牧场、敖包、别墅和具有浓郁民族风情的蒙古包、欧式风格的修养所等。

  • Applications & Content consists of terminal and server applications .


  • The iostat tool provides information about the terminal disk activity and CPU utilization .

    iostat工具提供了关于 终端、磁盘活动和CPU利用率的信息。

  • I'm54 and have terminal cancer .

    我现在已经54岁了,并是癌症 晚期

  • A second terminal was opened in1998 .

    第二个 航空 是1998年开始运营的。

  • Mainframe applications may be designed with a terminal interface or a message interface .

    大型机应用程序可能设计为具有一个 终端接口或消息接口。