The controller uses dual-model control strategy and the terminative equality constraints which are conditions of guaranteeing the stability of predictive control algorithm are turned into the terminative inequality constraints .
算法采用双模控制策略,将保证预测控制算法稳定性的 终点等式约束转化为终点不等式约束,以利于遗传算法的实施。
English terminative and durative verbs together with dynamic and static verbs make up a rather complicated system a good knowledge of which will surely improve our ability to use correct English .
英语 延 终 体动词、动静 体与语法 体相互交织,构成了一个颇为复杂的 微系统网络,理清其 脉络,无疑会有助于我们提高正确使用英语的能力。
HK formal and terminative Huang Guangyu times open Chen Xiao times .
正式 终结了“黄光裕时代”,开启了“陈晓时代”。
And the assessment and evaluation system has basically realized the separation of teaching and examination but still focuses on the terminative evaluation .
教学考核评价基本实现了教考分离,但仍侧重 终结 性评价。
During a follow-up of 2 a menstrual disturbance accounted for 21.52 % of the total number of women with implant . The cumulative continuation rate was 87.35 % . The cumulative terminative rate due to menstrual problems was 8.5 % .
埋植2a时,月经失调占埋植人数的2152%,累积续用率为 8698%,月经问题仍是终止的主要原因,因月经问题取出的 终止率为875%。
Administrative structure reform is an eternal problem but have no terminative answer . Though the fulfillment of the organization reform enters the low key in progress but it is very important meaning still to study to its theories .
机构改革是永恒的问题而没有 终结的答案,尽管机构改革的实践进入低调进行中,但是对它的理论研究依然具有极其重要的意义。
However after having joined WTO the appeal of treating different areas fair is increasing in China . The over-national treatment to overseas investments is nearly terminative . Regional governments incandesce to dispute investment . The development of industrial development zones is arriving at crossroad .
然而,在入世后,国内关于区域公平的呼声在增强,外资超国民待遇的日子临近 终结,地方政府争夺投资的行为日趋白热化,开发区走到了十字路口。
The concept of terminative water content is suggested and the calculation formula for shear strength of unsaturated loess is obtained based on the experimental data .
给出了非 饱和黄土抗剪强度的计算公式。
The assessment method : Student appraises music appreciation curriculum ; the teacher appraises the student ( including processing appraisal and terminative appraisal ) . Final conclusions : 1 .
评价方法:学生评价音乐欣赏课程,教师评价学生(过程 性评价与 终结 性评价 相 结合)。
Punctual verbs include some perfective verbs absolutely terminative verbs and some dynamic verbs .
瞬间动词又包括部分完成动词、绝对 终止 性动词和部分动态动词。
Because of the influence of the traditional one-off and terminative pedagogic education the school-based in-service training needs deeply theory research and systemic practice operation .
由于受传统的、一次性的、 终结 性的师范教育等因素的影响,校本培训在理论研究、系统的实践操作等方面尚不深入。
Proposition afraid unworkable try submit al terminative .
所 提 方案 恐不可行,请 另 提 其他 方案。
The detailed analysis of all the sampled cases generated the following findings : First there are three macro-categories which constitute the macrostructure of the Chinese EFL learners ' oral narratives in testing situations namely topic identification topic elaboration and terminative topic evaluation .
从数据分析结果中提炼以下主要发现:第一,在测试环境中,英语专业学习者的口头叙述话语结构中包含三个宏观范畴:话题识别、话题阐述和 终结 性的话题评价。
The traditional idea views exams as a simple cognitive and standardized evaluation that is static terminative and sifting .
认为考试评价是单纯的认知 性的, 单一 主体标准的,静态的, 终端 性,筛选 性,甄别 性的评价。
The angle of evaluation has changed from terminative to processive and . progressive and pays more attention to the individual distinctions of students .
评价的角度从 终结性转向过程性、发展性,更加关注学生的个别差异;
It is based on the basic genetic algorithm through changing the terminative condition of the former genetic algorithm .
方法在基本遗传算法的基础上,通过改变以往遗传算法的 终止条件, 构成了一种改进的 推求 暴雨 强度 公式 新方法。
The Markedness Theory and the Transfer in the Acquisition of Non & terminative Verbs The therapeutic effects of different terminative methods on the atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia
标记理论与 英语 瞬间动词习得中的母语迁移房室折返性心动过速不同终止方式的疗效比较