


  • TMX includes the elements and which can be used for adding terminological information to a document .

    TMX包含的和元素可用于向文档中添加 术语信息。

  • With the theoretical progress in the study of terminology translating terms from the terminological point of view provides a well-grounded platform to unify and standardize terms .

    随着术语学理论研究的不断深入,从 术语学角度看待术语翻译的 问题,为术语的统一与规范提供了充实的依据。

  • The team that wrote the TMX specifications noticed that the TMX standard is not enough for managing terminological data and created the TBX standard .

    编写TMX规范的团队指出,TMX标准对于管理 术语 数据还不够,因此创建了TBX标准。

  • Terminological learner 's dictionary is an important component of basic resource for terminological training .


  • Studying the Problems in Terminological Standardization of Mongol Terminological Standardization of Deep Space Exploration

    对蒙古语 术语标准化中几个问题的探讨深空探测术语标准化研究与探讨

  • Increasingly high demands on the production and presentation of information content make it a necessity to create store and update terminological resources .

    面对信息内容创作与传递日益增长的需求,有必要创建、存储及更新 术语资源。

  • TBX is one possible representation in XML format of the content of a terminological database .

    TBX是一种可选的 术语数据库内容XML表示。

  • Studies on the causes of the terminological variation will have significant implications for the research of the Chinese terminological variants .

    研究 术语变异的成因对于我们研究中文术语中的异体词有着重要的启示。

  • Guidelines for technical evaluation of terminological data banks

    GB/T15625-1995 术语数据库技术评价指南

  • But terminological unstandardization of crisis management research is very serious .

    但危机管理研究中的 术语不规范问题,严重削弱了危机管理理论研究成果对危机处理实践的指导价值。

  • Further more using the method of combining static description and diachronic comparison the antonyms in the book are deeply researched try to find out the characteristics terminology and terminological system which can represent the epoch .

    再运用将静态描写与历时比较相结合的方法,对书中的反义词语进行深入的分析研究,试图从中总结出代表其所处时代的词汇及 词汇系统的特点。

  • In Chapter One I state my motivation for the research on discourse marker why the terminological diversity of the term discourse marker a general survey of the past studies on discourse markers and an analysis of the English word ' why ' .

    第一章阐述了研究动机和话语标记语的术语以及 定义的多样性, 回顾了话语标记语的研究理论与成果,分析了英语单词 WHY的各种功能。

  • She shows great concern for terminological accuracy in her book .

    她对她书中 术语的精确性显得极其关心。

  • This can save a lot of time when a translator works with repetitive texts such as technical manuals and can also help to achieve terminological consistency .

    这样在处理重复性文本如技术手册时可以节约大量的时间,还有助于保证 术语的一致性。

  • However if the company is focused on terminological consistency a simple list will not be enough .

    但是如果公司关注 术语的一致性,简单的列表就不够了。

  • The causes of the terminological variations are complicated and the studies about the causes of the variations are the key to the research of the phenomenon of the terminological variation .

    术语变异的原因是错综复杂的,而研究 术语变异的原因是研究术语变异现象的关键。

  • Russian terminological science is of world-widely great importance .

    俄国 术语学在世界范围内占有举足轻重的地位。

  • Terminological Problems in Prehistoric Archaeology

    史前考古学中的 术语问题

  • A TermBase or terminological database is a special kind of glossary in which terms are classified in several categories through user-defined attributes .

    TermBase或者 术语数据库是一种特殊的术语表,其中的术语按照用户定义的属性被分成几类。

  • Fixpoint Semantics and Reasoning of Terminological Cycles in Description Logic ε LN

    描述逻辑εLN循环 术语 的不动点语义及推理

  • Issues Regarding the Definition of Concept in Terminological Research


  • Despite his liking for phrases such as terminological inexactitude he was not a dissembler .

    尽管他爱用“谎话 连篇”这种词,却绝不是伪君子。

  • Terminological Usage for Russian Science Language ; Oceanographic terminology & Marine chemistry

    俄语科学语体中的 术语 术语 问题 GB/T15921-1995海洋学术语海洋化学

  • Author introduces the mode across multimedia publication system and its significance for the terminological work .

    介绍了跨介质出版平台的系统工作模式及其对 推进 术语工作的现实意义。

  • Concept is the starting point and the core of the studies in terminological theory .

    概念是 术语学理论研究的起点与核心。

  • After analyzing and summarizing the study of law terms we find three types of studying approaches to law terms in Russian namely linguistic terminological and inter-disciplinary approaches .

    在对法律术语研究领域进行分析和总结之后,我们归纳出俄语法律术语的研究方法有三种类型:语言学的研究方法、 术语学的研究方法、跨学科的研究方法。

  • With the help of metaphor express concept in professional field have become universal phenomenon in terminological nomination .

    借助隐喻手段表达专业领域的概念已经成为 科学 术语 名的一种普遍现象。

  • Ontology to Ontology mediators ( OO-Mediators ) connect ontologies and resolve terminological and representational mismatches ;

    本体到本体的仲裁者(OO-Mediators)将本体联结起来并解决 术语 和表示上的不匹配;

  • The author summarized the meaning of terminology as well as some problems which exists in the terminological application introduced the general procedure and the related rule of term standards and further expounded the basic duty the method and principle of the developing terminology standardization work .

    介绍了制定 术语标准的一般程序和有关规定;并进一步阐述了开展术语标准化工作的基本任务、工作方法和应遵循的原则。