terms of sale


  • Under terms of that deal the German government would kick in billions of dollars in financing to close the sale and initiate a restructuring .

    根据该交易的 条件,德国政府将拿出数十亿美元资金用于达成 出售 交易并启动重组。

  • From the terms ' criteria to the criteria of consequentialism and then to the United Nations International Sale of Goods Convention on Contracts for the multiple limits constitutes a fundamental breach of contract has always been the focus of academic research .

    条款主义判断标准到结果主义判断标准,再到以《联合国国际货物 销售合同公约》为代表的多重限制标准,根本违约的构成始终是学界研究的焦点问题。

  • Please review terms of sale before signing .

    在签名之前请仔细阅读“ 销售 条款”。

  • The General Terms and Conditions of sale specified in the back sheet annexed hereto which form the integral part of this Contract .

    合同后面“一般 交易 条款”为本合同不可分割的一部分。

  • Let 's say this in simpler terms . ? We need all of you to help bring our sale numbers around next quarter !

    我们把这问题敞开了说吧。我们需要你们,在座的所有人,同心协力把咱们下个季度的 销售量搞好

  • While the terms of sale in international business often sound similar to those commonly used in domestic contracts they often have different meanings .

    在国际商务中所使用的 销售 条件和国内合同中通常所用的 销售 条件听起来很相似,它们的含义往往不同。

  • The real estate of offers to stand-alone contract is entered into in terms of format in the form of contract with the sale of real estate ( in advance ) appointment contract with the formal contract .

    商品房认购书是以格式 条款的形式订立的独立的合同,它与商品房 买卖(预售)合同的关系是预约合同与正式合同的关系。

  • Under the terms of the listing Blackstone will retain majority control of the company but it did not reveal on what date the sale will occur or the price or quantity of shares to be offered .

    根据上市 条款,黑石将保留对该公司的多数控股权,但文件并未披露发股日期以及 发行价和发行量。

  • In practice there are generally three modes of operations : the pre-purchase of contracts with effective terms of agreements on its purchase and sale and the method of transfer of these contracts .

    实践中一般存在三种操作方式:预购协议、附生效 条件 买卖合同和合同转让的方式。

  • If individual clauses of these terms and conditions of delivery and sale are invalid this shall not affect the validity of the contract as a whole or the remaining terms and conditions thereof .

    条款10。5如果 条款中的个别款项和 部分运输 销售 环节是无效的,那么这种情况不应影响合同做为一个整体的完整性及其他合同条款及情况环节。

  • Frank : What are your terms of sale ?

    你的 销售 条件是什么?

  • But I 'm not but in terms of looking at all the figures that I see whether you know retail sale everything .

    但是现在并非如此,不论是不是所有我 看到的数据,比如说 零售 等等所有的东西。

  • Nokia is prohibited from making smartphones until 2016 under the terms of the sale of its handset business to Microsoft .

    根据将手机业务 出售给微软的 条款,诺基亚在2016年之前不得制造智能手机。

  • The study of variation between Red Delicious and Red Fuji apples in terms of flesh firmness and respiration rates under 5 simulated transportation and sale conditions during the storage period of 130-240 days .

    研究了红星、红富士苹果经过130~240天贮藏之后,在5种模拟 运销 条件下的果肉硬度和呼吸动态变化。

  • Note : Please refer to our standard terms and conditions of sale copies available on request .

    注:请参阅我们的标准 条款和条件 出售,提供副本的要求。

  • According to different standards this part divides different types of implied terms of contract for the international sale of goods .

    本部分依据不同的标准,划分了国际货物 买卖合同默示 条款的类型。

  • Negotiate terms of sale and services with customer .

    与客户进行 销售及服务相关的沟通, 商议

  • Terms of the sale are not final because GM 's board has yet to approve them although it has accepted the general outline another person said .

    销售 条款不是最终的,应为还有待通用汽车公司的董事会批准,尽管大纲已经被接受,另一个人说道。

  • Nothing would make us w_701 happier than if we really could wire the system electronically and have the entire healthcare system function the way that the financial system functions in terms of electronic point of sale and no paper .

    如果我们能够真正实现系统的电子化,在电子 销售点和无纸 方面使整个医疗系统像金融系统一样运作,我们将会无比开心。

  • We also enclose detail of our terms and conditions of sale .

    此外,亦附上我们的详细 情况销售状况。

  • In this paper there are comprehensive introductions to the binary tree model and partial least-squares Monte Carlo method . And special for the conversion terms of the bond back to the terms of sale redemption provisions there are of a detailed analysis .

    本文全面介绍了二叉树模型以及偏最小二乘蒙特卡罗方法,并针对债券的转换条款,回 条款,赎回条款做了详细的分析。

  • The terms and conditions of the agreement provide that the licensees would furnish information relating to production manufacture and sale of Darjeeling tea through auction or otherwise .

    协议的 条款和条件规定,被许可方须提交与大吉岭茶的生产、加工以及通过拍卖或其他方式 销售相关的各种信息。

  • The Application of Multiple Terms Linear Regress Equation on Analysis of Effect the Sale Facts of Real Estate

    多元线性回归在影响房地产 销售因素分析中的应用

  • Thus the bank 's obligation is defined by the terms of the credit alone and the sale contract is irrelevant .

    因此,银行的义务仅受信用证 条款约束,而与 买卖合同无关。