terms of shipment


  • Terms of payment : by100 % confirmed irrevocable transferable and divisible letter of credit in our favour to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the10th day after the aforesaid time of shipment .

    付款 条件:开给我方100%保兑的、不可撤消的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证,并注明在上述 装运 日期后十天内在中国议付有效。

  • Payment terms : cash in port of shipment against shipping document or an irrevocable letter of credit open in our favour .

    付款 条件:凭装运单据,在 装运港支付现金,或开立以我公司为受益人的不可撤销信用证。

  • All terms and conditions on the back of each Shipment Waybill shall apply to all shipment .

    每份 货运单的背页的所有 条款及细则,将适用于所有运。

  • In terms of modern logistics from surface it refers to a supply chain connecting each circle of provision procurement manufacturing shipment warehousing distribution and consumption . It is a complicated service type of high efficiency multi-functions all-directions and integration .

    所谓现代物流,简单来说,是指供应、采购、生产、 运输、仓储、销售到消费的供应链,是高效率、多功能、全方位、一体化、多功能的复合型服务产业。

  • In terms of normal and past routine free repair within the period of guarantee of equipment should be calculated from the date of acceptance check not the date of shipment . Notebook Computer Quality Improvement Study Based on DOA and MTBF

    按照通常和以往的惯例,设备的保修期应从设备开箱验收合格之日起计算,而非 货物 装运日期.基于一次开箱不合格和平均无故障时间指标的笔记本电脑质量改进研究

  • Our usual terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit in our favour reaching us one month ahead of shipment .

    我们通常的支付 方式是以我方为抬头人的、保兑的、不可撤消的信用证,并且必须在 发货前一个月寄达我

  • For quota quantities specified in terms of value China would determine the value of any shipment based on the c.i.f. ship value listed on the bill of lading .

    对于 价值表示的配额量,中国将根据提单所列到岸价价值确定任何 装运 货物的价值。

  • When buyer and seller discuss the terms ofthe contract terms of shipment are compulsory .

    当买卖双方洽谈合同时, 装运 条款是合同中必不可少的一部分。