terminal disinfection


  • In order to ensure safety of environment for medical care of mass of people the efficacy of terminal disinfection in35 non-designated SARS hospitals of this district was evaluated .

    前言:为保障广大人民群众就医环境安全,对本辖区内35所非“非典”定点医院的 消毒效果进行了评价。结果,医院室内空气 消毒 效果合格率为50。

  • At the same time disease prevention and control departments of the hospital reception terminal disinfection Chest Hospital Qingdao belongings of the patients were disinfected .

    同时,疾病预防控制部门对接诊医院进行了 消毒,青岛市胸科医院对患者的随身物品进行了消毒处理。

  • Evaluation of efficacy of terminal disinfection in non-desig nated sars hospitals of Fangshan District

    房山区非非典定点医院 消毒效果评价

  • The results indicated that the eligible rate of terminal disinfection in hospitals of this district is low and the basis of disinfection work is weak so it is necessary to strengthen the administration of disinfection work .

    结果显示,本区内医院 消毒 效果合格率偏低,消毒工作基础比较薄弱,需要加强消毒工作管理力度。

  • Objective To evaluate Yingxiu town terminal disinfection efficacy and effect of disinfectant and pesticide residues on the local environment after the disaster .

    目的评估映秀镇灾后 消毒效果和消杀药物残留对当地环境所造成的影响。

  • Comparison between two methods for terminal disinfection of homes of patients with viral hepatitis

    实施病毒性肝炎病家 消毒的两种方式比较

  • Results : Of these 153 hospitals 70 % had no full-time disinfection staff 35 % had no disinfection system 49 % did not carry out terminal disinfection in fever OPD and only 33 % carried out air disinfection .

    结果,153所医院中,无 专职消毒员的 医院达70%,无 消毒制度者占35%。

  • Therefore in regions with high cultural level and good economic condition terminal disinfection of homes of the patient 's with viral hepatitis can be carried out by patient 's families themselves under OPD guidance .

    因此,在文化水平较高、经济条件较好的地区,病毒性肝炎病家的 消毒可以在门诊指导下由病家自己进行。