


  • Jason : Well did you know he was also the director of The Terminator ?

    杰森:好,那你知道他也是 魔鬼 终结者 的导演吗?

  • When you have multiple statements in an SQL script each statement must be separated from the one that follows by a statement terminator .

    如果SQL脚本中有多个语句,那么每一个语句都必须用一个语句 结束 与前一个语句隔开。

  • She added that the president had built an infernal terminator over which he has lost control .

    她还补充道,普京制造了一个他已经控制不了的可怕的 终结者

  • For bulk copy all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified .

    在对变长数据进行大容量复制之前,必须对其指定长度前缀或 终止

  • Adds an external input a terminator or a state to your data flow diagram .

    将外部输入、 终结 或状态添加到数据流图表中。

  • The auction does not cover earlier Terminator films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger .

    此次拍卖不包括早些时候阿诺德施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)主演的 终结者 电影。

  • You also can change the statement terminator for all the statements in the script .

    您也可以修改脚本中所有语句的语句 结束

  • Aren 't you surprised the terminator is the governor of california ?

    终结者 上加州州长你不感到奇怪?

  • Because of you I was able to finish off the Terminator .

    因为你,所以我才能 摧毁 终结者

  • Sam Worthington appeared in Terminator Salvation ( 2009 ) the fourth Terminator movie .

    SamWorthington还参演了第四部终结者电影《 终结者:救世军(2009)

  • You may note that the body has no explicit terminator .

    您可能会注意到,主体没有显式的 终结

  • Gobang Terminator is a Gobang the game nothing to play down the play .

    五子棋 终结者,是个五子棋的小游戏,没事就下来玩了玩。

  • That is all the statements in an SQL script must use the same statement terminator .

    即,一个SQL脚本的所有语句都必须使用相同的语句 结束

  • Specifies the name used by the tunnel terminator during the authentication phase of tunnel establishment .

    指定在通道建立的验证阶段中,通道 终端所使用的名称。

  • The file will be read and executed after a batch terminator is encountered .

    当遇到批处理 终止 之后,将读取并执行该文件。

  • Now California 's governor he first worked with Mr Cameron on Terminator .

    现任加州州长的 施瓦辛格 终结者 中与卡梅隆首度合作。

  • This is the default field terminator .

    这是默认的字段 终止

  • The terminator is the boundary between day and night .


  • Have we learned nothing from the Terminator movies ?

    难道看了 终结者 系列电影后,我们什么教训都没学到吗?

  • I made the Cowardly Lion look like the terminator .

    我让胆小的狮子看起来像个 终结者

  • ' Terminator 2 ' finally made $ 200 million which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture .

    终结者2 票房最终达到了两亿美元,被认为是收回了影片的制作成本。

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger makes his long-awaited return to the Terminator series but in what capacity ?

    观众期待已久的阿诺史瓦辛格重回 魔鬼 终结者系列,但这次他又有什麽样的能耐呢?

  • Howard : Terminator broke my phone .

    终结者把我的手机 终结了。

  • I even thought about how the terminator would handle it .

    我甚至想 终结者会怎么做。

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger has been offered a role in a sequel to'The Terminator .

    施瓦辛格将在《 终结者 续集里出演一个角色。

  • You may also need to use a BNC terminator with a grounding wire to ground the network .

    你还需要使用一个带接地线的 BNC端接 将网络接地。

  • Some data access tools such as Microsoft access do not have an explicit batch terminator .

    有些数据访问工具(如microsoftaccess)没有显式批处理 终止

  • The statement terminator that you set in an SQL script persists every time that you open the script in the SQL and XQuery editor .

    您在SQL脚本中设置的语句 结束 只在SQL和XQuery编辑器每次打开的脚本中生效。

  • In a given script you can use only one statement terminator .

    在一个特定的脚本中,您只能使用一个语句 结束